5 diesel ryder babys is it worth its to buy an additional 150 watt HPS?

5 diesel ryder babys is it worth its to buy an additional 150 watt HPS?and any other pointers or suggestions?im sort of a beginner... got two in the soil waiting to come up, 3 still germinating but cracked already.bongsmilie


Active Member
Most everyone is going to say yes, and I will agree with them. But you should consider how big you want them to be if you veg them for an extended period of time 150hps isn't gonna cut it for 5 ladies. 150w can usually only support 2 or 3 anyways. Really depends on how much you want out of your plants. Since 150hps are pretty damn cheap i would go for it. If money is an issue you don't have to. you will just sacrifice quantity for sure.

Also consider Cfls if money and space is an issue. together the two make a great team.