5 fem diesel ryder seeds, 0% germ?


Active Member
Keep waiting, keep them moist in a DARK WARM place and it could take a week more. Some take longer to germinate. If they don't sprout after another week contact the seed bank or wherever you got them from and see if you can get replacements. Where did you get them?


Active Member
where di you order from and what methoid of germination did you use? i have the smae problem last month with seeds from nirvana. i planted 10 ak-48 using peat pellets and only 4 sprouted. out of 4 only 2 made it a week and the 1 actually grew to be a nice plant i have take a few clones from...so please tell me where you ordered from so i know not to order from there. i just got my replacement order from nivana this week and i have some many other things growing now i have to wait to see if these are any better than the last. witchpisses me off because if i have a problem how long can i wait to bitch. so me being the guy i am tossed 3 in rock wool and just have to wait and see
I got mine from attitude seed bank.i watered the pellets and planted the seeds in. after 3 days 1 came up. its been 7 days, other 5 have yet of come up.


Active Member
@leftreartire Man that's crazy - just germinated some AK-48 seeds from Nirvana and all popped within 24 hours after a 12 hour soak; and have germinated faster than any other seeds I've germinated... I guess a lot can happen during mail transit with seeds or maybe you just had bad luck with a bad batch. Nice that they replaced them for you though.