5 ft plants falling over


roots were eaten last year put layers of chicken wire and metal mesh 4 foot down before i backfilled. 2 out of 5 so far this year i think still are transplantable please advise trash can or what


Well-Known Member
I would grow them in some kind of bucket with a bunch of large holes drilled into the sides and bottoms and plant ur girls in there. U could have Moles or Voles eating the roots too.

Brick Top

New Member
Do you have any idea of what is eating the plant's roots? Are there any signs of anything? Some things that eat roots can be transferred to whatever you move your plants into. Things like mole crickets and white grubs could remain in a rootball when a plant is moved unless someone does a bare root transplant and I have a feeling you would not care to attempt that. When you move the plants try to find out what was munching down on the roots because you may transfer the problem along with your plants and lose them anyway by just assuming moving them was all you needed to do.