5 gallon bucket

In some areas it is perfect, Camo or green but never white...Had a Helicopter stop by my place because of a white bucket one day but its a long story.In Hot areas have a hole dug to put the bucket in to keep the mix/soil cool.Hot roots aren't a good thing and the nutrients and water are evaporated and wasted.I have found that the best thing it to dig a hole and place a large heavy mil trashbag into it,slice some holes in the bag for drainage and O2 add mix and a good root nutrient and She will do the rest.You will probably be seeing reptiles move in to that cozy mix and who knows what else.Feed and weed and give her lots of room...When I do an outdoor grow my final deadline is June 26 because of my location and it has served me well so get to whatever it is if You expect a decent grow.