5 hits trip story


Active Member
so me and my sis decided to do 5 hits of acid i had some legit lsd not the rc shit so we started trippin balls well shes like lets get in the car and go for a ride (stupid i know but fuck it) well we started driving ive never been in a car on acid we were both seeing the same shit i swear well we were driving and ended up gettin lost fuckin two hours from the house couldnt find our way back home we were in the straight boonies trippin balls there was this bridge and omfg there must have been 200 street lights on a quarter mile road and they were so bright we started trippin hard when we came up to this bridge and just started laughing well her brother was in the back going omfg not the lights and we just started laughing ever harder because he was trippin out well we must have drove this bridge 20 times every road we took led us back to the same fuckin bridge well finally after like two hours of driving this road we found our way back to the highway well we were driving and some how a possom or some shit flew up and hit the window and we started trippin like wtf was that that hit the window man to make things even better our friend alec who had a huge bag of kush we didnt know whips this shit out and passes us a blunt of it which threw us even higher on the fucked up scale we finally got back home and started watching adventure land trippin dick still we tripped for about a good 16 hours before finally comin down it was all in all a great fuckin night even getting lost the shit i saw trippin i cant even explaine it was amazing just thought i would share my second lsd experiance with you guys
I would have been sketchin out the whole time with a tripping person driving... and other tripping people in the car too. nuts. Cars are fun with sober drivers, though.

that possum was probably a person.

I've drove trippin a couple times in the past..... mainly on come-ups and downs... and not a bunch of times. I hated it.... and try to avoid it. sometimes though I'll be coming down, and just really want to go home and be alone and go to sleep... so I drive. Then I realize I'm pretty fried still and the 5 mile drive takes eternity.
Sounds like a responsible car ride! 5 hits of acid and you choose to drive? Are you 15? Do you give a fuck about others on the road? My brother was killed by someone just like you! sounds like you had a blast! I Bet your parents are real proud of you!
Yeah it's irresponsible, but on a light dose if you feel comfortable it can be ok. I have been tripping too hard before though, couldn't see hardly anything but light and it was hard to see driveways and turnoffs, etc. that sucked. but there's been other times i was completely focused and comfortable.
we were on the back roads in bufo while we were at our peak like in the middle of no where nolights no nothin all dirt roads in my friend in the back was sober he was just high on some kush and i told him if she starts driving crazy to tell me so he could drive but he said she was driving fine and no it was deffinatly a possum lol she said she was in her zone driving though she said she was focused and shit and she was drivin fine i loved it driving all the street lights made one huge line on the high way it was awsome first time i ever drove in the car trippin