I am thinking a few of mine may have a chance. You tell me?
Here you can see me standing and sitting. I am 6'2 270lbs. This plant here is 12 feet tall and close to 10 feet wide. It was tied over two times also.
This is the same plant but of the other side.
Hard to get the top of the plant in this angle
I been saying all along in this thread that this plant is much bigger than it looks. She is really a fatty.
Again hard to get the whole plant with these angles.
Here is the potted plants. They hide my fat ass pretty good.
Okay now for the Grand Moma. This plant will not stop growing. The pics do not do it justice. It would take about 5 to 6 men arm to arm to go to fence to fence. Some say this plant will only be 1 pound? I have no clue what she will give up. But I am think 4 to 5 lbs now. who knows?
Here is another shot. remember there is till 6 feet of this plant you cannot see from these angles.
Here is the other side.