5-MeO-DMT (Trip Report)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Time for some Myth debunking...

I have heard so much bad shit about 5-MeO that I had to sit down and play with it for myself! I heard my friend picked it up and he offered to split what he had with me so I had to take him up on it!


~7.5mg's vaporized on some Jack Herer


I have been in a great mindset for about a week, I was actually really looking forward to playing with 5-MeO. I meditated a bit and cleared my mind and relaxed my body before going on my adventure.


Outside in the sun laying on grass near the woods (the wind was gently blowing and the sun was beautiful, I could smell flowers and here critters in the woods).. absolutely a perfect setting IMHO.


First thing this morning (after checking on the status of the naptha layer of my DMT extraction) I decided to go out and try out some 5-MeO-DMT. I grabbed a glass pipe, threw a little Jack Herer in it, and popped the 5-MeO on top :-) I stopped to take a meditation break to clear my mind before embarking on my journey (I have heard of many rough experiences and wanted to be prepared mentally should this happen).

So once I was relaxed, I vaporized the 5-MeO (holding the flame slightly above the crystals). I then lightly, light the Jack Herer enough to fully get the rest of the 5-MeO vaped/smoked.

Nearly immediately I noticed a difference. I was sitting, watching the ground as the wind blew a tree branch and cast a shadow onto the ground below.. I could tell it had kicked in when the pattern of the shadow movement became trance-like with a psychedelic-esque to it.

Slightly after (I thought maybe I didn't get enough).. BOOM! It slammed me in the face (which I will add, caught me extremely off guard!). I knew it hits quick but I expected some sort of climbing, nope.. pretty much went from:

sober > noticing something was off > gone.


I was a little overwhelmed by the intensity that now started to build and I cleared my mind and started taking deep breaths. There was a slight bodyload, so I laid down and closed my eyes to enjoy the experience whilst meditating in the sun. I can definitely relate when they mention "The Void".. it was as if I was experiencing egolessness. The feeling was intimidating at first, but I knew not to resist it and let myself go.

As I closed my eyes, the wind turned into the sound of the ocean lightly hitting the shore.. everytime the sun would hit my face it would feel exactly like I was sitting at the beach. It brought back memories of my childhood and past visits to my favorite beach (Siesta Key, if anyone has been there). I started getting faint images of the beach and the water, seeing the waves hitting the sand. A wave of very strong euphoria came over me!

I decided to get up and go for a walk with a friend of mine. We walked a bit down the road, picked up a couple of flowers (which smelled absolutely amazing) and laid down in the grass on a hill in the sun. I noticed simple things that I do not normally notice; the wind blowing the tips of grass, the smell of pine trees and the aroma of flowers everytime the wind blew, how beautiful everything around us is. I was absolutely content with where I was (as in I did not have the though: Hey this is amazing here.. Imagine how amazing it would be "fill in location"). I did not care to think about anywhere else, I wanted to take in anything and everythere about where I was at current.

As to mental exploration, I think it opened my eyes to see that we can find happiness in many of the things we take for granted. I also feel like it expanded my feelings of love. I am in a peacefully great mood and it is many hours later now. Overall I would describe the trip as refreshing.

So here it is ladies and gentlemen.. People do have good trips on
5-MeO-DMT. I will step out to say if people are not having a good experience they should reevaluate their set and setting.

If anyone has any questions, throw em up.



Well-Known Member
Great report! Its sounds like you really got in touch with the substance. Think you will have another dive into the pool?

I haven't actually tried this drug or researched overwhelmingly yet, but I may look into it. :D

You actually have both now don't you? N,N-DMT and 5MeO-DMT



Active Member
mate that sounds odd but pretty cool

a few questions

1. what the fuck kind of drug is this
2. what form does it come in
3. how long does it last
4. whats its street name
5. how dangerous is it
6. how much is it

sounds good to me though dude.

cheers in advance


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Think you will have another dive into the pool?
5-MeO-DMT is a novel substance; I don't care who disagrees.

It enhanced my visual capability and made everything extremely vivid. Have you ever seen a 3D movie? Everything seems to pop out at you. That was my vision. When I looked at a tree for instance, it would seem strikingly more realistic that it normally is (I could see detail much better and could focus much better); objects and colors really seemed far more pronounced than usual.

I have never tried a substance that came close to the mental thought processes that I experienced today.

The euphoria was also something to be noted, as it was rather peculiar. I had an extreme feeling of well being.. the comparison is very difficult for me to explain.

It was near the level of euphoria experienced on MDMA, but it felt more like natural euphoria... maybe it was actually not the happiness being multiplied, but the perception of the happiness.

I think it could have some very good values (both recreationally and therapeutically), so I would like to say yes, I will give it another go.

I haven't actually tried this drug or researched overwhelmingly yet, but I may look into it. :D
I would recommend it. Really though, Set & Setting are crucial. Once I got in the "good trip" mood, it could not be broken. It did not come in waves, and it did not oscillate between good and bad. I mean:

1) Tried a substance I was not familiar with (as in this was my first time)
2) We were walking around on it
3) There were cars coming and going
4) I could hear animals in the woods and dogs barking

etc... there were plenty of things that could have taken a good trip and made scary/bad aspects come through; this was not the case. So really, start off with a good/clear/relaxed body and mind. Accept the experience, do not resist it in anyway.

You actually have both now don't you? N,N-DMT and 5MeO-DMT
No. I am in the process of the N,N-DMT extraction, I have never tried it. I find there is a severe lack of literature with comparison and contrast of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, so I wanted to provide a comparison/contrast between the two.

awesome! about how long was the trip?
My perception of time was a little off (but this is close).

I would say 15 minutes of hard tripping, once I got used to how it felt and what it was going to be like, I would say there were another 20 minutes of mild tripping, and probably ~30 minutes of coming back to baseline completely.

siesta key is nice BTW.
I love it :-)

mate that sounds odd but pretty cool

a few questions

1. what the fuck kind of drug is this
It is a tryptamine. In this case it is a Dimethyltryptamine.

2. what form does it come in
Mine was a semi-crystalline/powder

3. how long does it last
Start to finish, ~1hr (read above to see the timing)

4. whats its street name
I have heard "5-MeO-DMT" and "5-MeO" (pronounced five-me-oh)

5. how dangerous is it
I would not think it is very dangerous. It is a tryptamine, and furthermore a DMT.. they are broken down by the body very easily.

6. how much is it
This varies from vendor to vendor. I think the most pricey vendor I have wants $200/g

toad licking wtf! well maybe not quite but u get this drug from milking a toad for its venom???
The Bufo alvarius produces 5-MeO-DMT and 5-HO-DMT. I got synthetic
5-MeO though.


Well-Known Member
To be simplistic as possible, a trip report well written!

This trip report took 5-meo-dmt out of my figurative mason jar of death and breathed some new aspirations towards it ;)


Active Member
wow thanks for the replies dude.

ok i just read dmt is produced in small amounts in the human body during normal metabolism, so does the drug not activate in this way when its created like that? what is the drugs use inside the human body?

so i guess it cant be that harmful if our body produces it, $200/g??

for me over here i gues thats roughly £100 on the gram maybe a bit more depdending on the exchange rate atm but thats the most expensive drug i have ever heard of yet you can extract it from bark? odd but fascinating.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
wow thanks for the replies dude.
Sure thing dude.

ok i just read dmt is produced in small amounts in the human body during normal metabolism, so does the drug not activate in this way when its created like that? what is the drugs use inside the human body?
First and foremost (just to clarify)

What you are mentioning is:


What this thread is based on is:


It is theorized that DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is the cause of our dreams; I personally agree with that.. you'd really have to do some research to see what roles it plays in our bodies and such.

so i guess it cant be that harmful if our body produces it, $200/g??
That is not necessarily true, I am under the impression that we produce endogenous morphine (this is just one example).

For 5-MeO-DMT I have seen up to $200/g

For DMT I have seen up to $400/g

for me over here i gues thats roughly £100 on the gram maybe a bit more depdending on the exchange rate atm but thats the most expensive drug i have ever heard of yet you can extract it from bark? odd but fascinating.
The chemical that is extracted from bark (MHRB) is DMT. It is significantly less expensive!

For more information on that, pop into my other thread.



Active Member
wow so i got the two mixed up lol, yeh i saw your other thread looks too complicated for me i dont know anything about this do you have a chemistry degree or anything like that?

ah right a dream drug, i have heard of someone mention that before but they didnt mention any kind of DMT, maybe it was the same thing that they were on about.

$400/g fucking hell,


Oracle of Hallucinogens
wow so i got the two mixed up lol, yeh i saw your other thread looks too complicated for me i dont know anything about this do you have a chemistry degree or anything like that?
It's all good. For the other one, you want to basify water (lye) and use a non-polar solvent to extract the dmt (naptha).

No I don't, but I have a decently solid understanding of chem.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Good trip report.

I havent read too many positive trip reports with 5-MeO-DMT, most Ive read said it was like a nightmare.

That was a huge reason I wanted to try it. I am rarely ever intimidated when I try a new substance, that was not the case with this one. When you feel it kicking in, let go. I think when people struggle to keep their normal consciousness, or try to push away the effects of the trip, is where the bad effects stem from.


Active Member
I noticed you didnt talk to much about visuals...were there any cev's or oev's? I know its not that visual of a drug but i hear mixed reports.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I noticed you didnt talk to much about visuals...were there any cev's or oev's? I know its not that visual of a drug but i hear mixed reports.
I had more auditory hallucinations than I did visuals, but there were visual hallucinations.

When I first inhaled I was watching the shadow that a tree was casting on the ground when I noticed it started moving in a repetitive trance-like fashion. I started to enter "the void" watching this movement.

As I stated previously, it enhances your visual perception. Colors are enhanced and things look more vivid.

for CEV's, I was laying down on the ground hearing the wind pass by thinking it was the waves hitting the shore when I started getting faint images of the beach and of the water.

Really pleasant all in all.


Well-Known Member
I had more auditory hallucinations than I did visuals, but there were visual hallucinations.

When I first inhaled I was watching the shadow that a tree was casting on the ground when I noticed it started moving in a repetitive trance-like fashion. I started to enter "the void" watching this movement.

As I stated previously, it enhances your visual perception. Colors are enhanced and things look more vivid.

for CEV's, I was laying down on the ground hearing the wind pass by thinking it was the waves hitting the shore when I started getting faint images of the beach and of the water.

Really pleasant all in all.
More of an auditory/ stimuli induced trip...


Active Member
i have this really weird trip with marijuana where music plays out of nowhere but then when i stop tripping all it is is like a fucking pushchair wheel squeaking rhythmically or so it would seem

i kind of go black but im still walking and i made up this weird drum beat because i heard a noise in time, then i come out and its a woman pushing her kid,

i am struggling to remember what the other weird instance of this was. sorry to go off topic a bit but since u mentioned auditory hallucinations it brought me to that

do you ever find that? you can hear some music or a beat in your head but your mind just makes it up out of normal sounds?


Active Member
also i have tinnitus and normally its just one noise at the same pitch but if i go to bed stoned it willstart to modulate, morph, oscillate everything, it sounds like a radio being tuned in and goes really high pitched then when i sit up it goes back to normal. i also had this time where two pieces of music in different genres were playing in my head at the same time but at differing volume levels, then the genre would change and one would become more audible and the other quieter but they seemed to link in perfectly.

troubled teenager? yes...