5 minutes

My wife was never involved in any of it. She doesn't even smoke weed.

Men who go against their wife's wishes and ride motorcycles after her brother got killed on one are rather selfish though.
Thanks for the clarity but it sounds like a win win to me. He gets to ride and she's free from worry knowing he is riding. Besides, ultimatums rarely work.
I ride a moped, often without my wife's knowledge. Selfish me.
I made my living scraping people off the pavement. On one occasion, it was a loved one. It may give me pause but certainly not enough to separate me from my bike. Matter of fact, riding does more for me in terms of re-centering myself than the mandatory crisis counseling. I must be really selfish too.

And sometimes, when the moon is full (or I'm low on gas) I'll even ride HIS bike. Oh the horror.
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If my wife asked something of me I would respect and honor her wishes. She would do the same for me. It's what's kept us together for 25+ years.
If my wife asked something of me I would respect and honor her wishes. She would do the same for me. It's what's kept us together for 25+ years.
Good for you? But you don't appear to hold the same honor and respect with others that put their trust in you, so theres that.
Why don't you go ahead and tell me exactly what happened and then we can take it from there. ;)
You got busted by the Feds trying to move pounds and pounds. You then called others pretending that you wanted to purchase pounds and pounds, while the Feds sat and listened. You still ended up doing the most time, but your time was cut short due to snitching. While in prison you forced your wife to beg men for money because she does not work and you are a joke of a provider. You then came out of prison and immediately create a sock puppet account on RIU pretending to be a racist fat chick who does not like weed. Possibly still trying to set others up
You then came out of prison and immediately create a sock puppet account on RIU pretending to be a racist fat chick who does not like weed. Possibly still trying to set others up

You got busted by the Feds trying to move pounds and pounds. You then called others pretending that you wanted to purchase pounds and pounds, while the Feds sat and listened. You still ended up doing the most time, but your time was cut short due to snitching. While in prison you forced your wife to beg men for money because she does not work and you are a joke of a provider. You then came out of prison and immediately create a sock puppet account on RIU pretending to be a racist fat chick who does not like weed. Possibly still trying to set others up

So you take the time to go off on a never-ending frothing frenzy of repetitive nonsense that really, amounts to you defending a known racist troll? And then duck out because you're scared of the roasting you'll get on RIU? Hahahaha

Dude, you are far too vested in this :joint:


I guess its been deleted which makes this even more comical.
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I will pass on the blow job, but you do you. How does your son feel about his dad. Can you still give him lunch money ?

"Lunch money"? Wtf are you talking about?

I love how deep I've cut you. I'll be in your head until the day you die. :fire: