5 more years of tourist smoking pot in amsterdam


New Member

Smoking pot as a tourist will be legal in amsterdam for 5 vs years, video is interviews of two dutch men and their message to the world to keep on tokin


Well-Known Member
you know more people smoke mj than in amsterdam. i think less than 40% over there smoke. i think its because when its legal its not as fun for alot of the crowd. plus i bet its gets old having it in literally all the fkn corner coffee shops. id stilll love to go tho dont get me wrong. i yearn to live in europe seeing as i think most americans are cocky ignorant pricks. so ya, ay voy!


Well-Known Member
lmao. good thinking there jeff. i guess its that grass is always greener thing im thinking about. i guess the states arent so bad seeing ass theres ignorants dicks worldwide.