5 o'clock's winter garden

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
After a whirl wind summer and fall it's finally time to get back to my winter hobby. Work slows down in the winter and i'm always looking for something to do/ Last year I tried my hand at gardening for th first time.

This year I decided to try something a little different. I started with almost 80- seeds from 3 different plants. I planted them all on the same day and 48 came up. I will grow these out in veg for a while and then take one good cutting from each one and flower them for sex. All the males will be seperated and taken to another location where they will be flowered to find the most vigorous and best looking one for a dad. while the females will remain here to finish flower. Of the female's one from each set of seeds will be kept for mothers. I will be looking for uniformity in growth, vigor and ease of rooting th clones as well as crystal production and potency.

As with the first grow I am using soil again. I use fox farms ocean and seed starter soils. I will be saving up my pennies to buy a really nice hydro set up with 3 rows of 6 plants for a total of 18 at a time. Each row will be staggered by 2-3 weeks so they don't all ripen at the same time. It will cost some money so for the first flowering i will be using soil. The guy at the hydro shop told me with th new set up I can take a cutting from a plant put it in the cloner and after 3 weeks it can go straight into the hydro set up with out the need for th roots to set up in dirt or rock wool, thus cutting out 2-4 weeks of further veg time.

Although I have 48 babies, it will be like a season of american idol where only the best will be allowed to move on to the next stage. Here are some pic's of the temporary set up. The room is 4x8x7 and should give me plenty of room for a nice grow. Keep tuning in for updates every few days or so.

To start with I was using a Sunleaves Pioneer 8 with 2 100 watt flos because of the sheer number of plants right now. They get plain water and have lights on 24/7 til they get 5-6 nodes then I will turn it back to 18/6. I will be moving fast this time as I'm trying to eliminate the plants I don't want rather than try to get the most out of only a few, so they won't get very big before they get flowered.

Stay tuned...... The MH light in the corner is going to be put to use in a week or so..


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Even though i was keeping a fairly close eye on things one of my plants dried up a little to much and has wilted pretty bad. Because of my last grow and having stressed out th females to the point they went hermi I decided this was a way to screen the weak and pulled it instead of trying to bring it back. So now I only 47...

I have 4-5 that have already started their 4th set of leaves in only 12 days of life. I will be keeping an eye on these and will use them for the first flowering group. Since they are just babies and have a long way to go i will not be posting pic's til there's something to see.... Stay tuned...

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
2 weeks today. Took away the flo gro and turned on the 400 watt MHS. It is about 24-26 inches above them. I took a temp reading and humidity reading right before and recorded 63 F and 50%. Then again 30 minutes after it fired up. I had 76F and 40%. I turned on the fan and it dropped to 72 F and 50%. I wanted some more humidity now that I have the stronger lamp on so I put a large flat pan with water and hung some damp towels and it came up to 60%. Good enough for now as I want to slowly make changes and not stress them out.

Several of the plants are on their 4th set of leaves. The sativa dominate strain was slow to pop so they mostly only on their 3rd set. The nodes are nice and tight. There is signs of the node growth already on several also. They will most likely be male. Not a bad thing as I will be looking to cross some of these back to each other.

Check back in a few days......

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Busy day but found time to do some re-arranging. Put up the mylar and moved some of the plants around re-hung the light and watered. I sealed up the room a little better to keep in some of the heat and humidity. It was 74 F and 75% an hour ago. I will check several times over the next day or two because I'm trying to find a good balance of heat and humidity and th best height for the light and start building the ventalation system.

I still haven't found the camera but I'll keep looking. Now it's back to Monday night football with my wife.....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Here's some pic's of the set up and the different strains. Obvious difference in the indinca and the sativa. They really put on some weight under the new light. They stretched last night so I lowered the light to about 19" above them. The small fan is enough to keep th temps down. I got the humidity up to the range I like and now it's sit back for 2 weeks til I can take clones then they go straight to flower to seperate th boys from th girls...



Well-Known Member
Right on!! This looks promising to be a great grow. I use a 6' x11' x7' room myself so I am really curious to see how you lay it out. Do you veg there too? I use a bathroom for veg/moms/cloning........

Great luck to you Sir! +rep4u


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I found one plant that only has one finger on the second node. the others either have three or five. I had a humidity crisis when i got home. One of the walls was cold enough to condensate. I picked up some reflective insulation and sealed th wall. This gave me some extra material so I lined the whole room. I found the temps had crept up in the low 80's so I opened up the room and let in some cool outside air. I haven't had time to install a real ventilation system yet but I figured their small enough and the rooms big enough that it won't be a problem til I find some free time.... Puff.... puff..... pass......bongsmilie