5 o'clock's winter garden

I will keep them in veg until it gets warm enough to move them to another location to collect their pollen. I hooked up the filter and ran the duct into th light and through an inline fan and then out of the room throurgh the ceiling. I built a platform to get them up off the floor. I've changed their deit to include MG general plant food just like last time. I used th meter to ph th water and food to 6, I thought about going lower but in a 5 gallon bucket i thought I was close enough. I changed the bulb in the old bat wing to the HPS i used last year and retired the MH again. I took back the other cloner to the hydro shop and he gave me full credit for it because i spent that plus another $200 on the PH meter, ballast, and reflector. Never talk about much of anything other than "tomatoes", he has a ton lf knowledge and is very sharing, after all his livelyhood depends on happy customers and word of mouth....

I didn't realize how much of a difference another light would make in heat and evaporation. In less than 48 hours of giving them a good soaking of water one dried up so bad it was crispy. Gave them all a good soaking again and will keep a better eye on them especially the ones in the smaller pots.

I almost ready to take the cuttings. I made up some rock wool also just because I've never done the aqua cloner way before. If I screw up and lose all of them at least i'll have the rock wool.


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After looking at things again tonight, i pulled several more males. I have three for possible breeding and i think of them, I have the one of them that i like the best. I got to looking closer at the plants and found the one I thought was just another sativa female that got roasted it wasn't, that was my only strong sativa male. I have found way more females that I thought i would get. I think I counted 18 earlier. I have several that will show in the next day or so, just gotta wait for hairs. Gotta get on this cloner before these plants get out of hand....
The count is 21 today and I am going to start working on the cloner on wed. I want to put some of the plants in 12/12 and in 15 days I will put another 3rd in and 15 more days and I will be putting in the last group. The clones should be ready to go when the first batch is ready to harvest..... lets hope everything works out....

I was walking through Lowes today and saw window boxes. They were 24" long and 6" wide. They had enough room for 3 plants in each one so with 4 of those with 3 plants each that would be 12 plants a cycle with 3 cycles makes 36 plants in the 4x4 room. I'm waiting for them to go on sale.... or I'm going hydro I haven't decided...
I have killed off all but 4 male. 1 from the B plant,1 from E, and 2 from the other. I think they called it "kind bud" but who knows, it was $350 an oz. I have 5 that have yet to show and 28 females. I will be pulling out the moms and the males and I will flower everything else this weekend. The plants are getting hungry and I have been giving them light doses of nutes. I upped it tonight and gave them a full dose of food. We will see how they react.
They must have liked the food. I decided I'd keep my hands in the dirt and bought the window boxes. I picked up 8 of them to start the first 2 cycles with. I will be using clones from the mothers to fill the trays. I will put all my small plants that are ready to be transplanted in the first 4, that's 12 plants. Some of the others are to big to put in the smaller window boxes so they will just stay in the pots they are in.

I took pic's of 3 of the males, the last pic in the first row. You can see they are tighter on the node spacing than the females. They are heavy with pollen sacks so I will have to move them shortly to another place to keep them from pollenating all the girls. I also took a pic of the difference in how the ones I'm keeping as a mom is alot bigger than the slower growing sisters that will be getting flowered. The moms are begging for some cuttings.....


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I was sick as a dog last night with the flu. I took today off to sleep in.. You can only sleep so long so i decided I put it off to long already and went to work on the grow room. I picked 2 males, one of each the "kind" (if anyone knows if this is a strain please let me know), and the E plant. I got tired of waiting on the no shows so they got the ax too. I decided it would be a good day to put the plants in the window boxes so i spent several hours transplanting them into two sets of 3 of each strain then had one leftover i put 4 different ones in. I cut the moms up and put 2 clones into soil and two into rock wool. I also put the tops in water until I can get the cloner up and running. I moved the lights around and cleaned everything up. i feel like shit and my back is killing me from the heaves last night so I'm going to go lay down and watch Death Race....

If you are stopping in to check it out say "Hi" or rep me if ya like what you see:clap:... Thanks for following along...


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Looking good. Two of my mothers are about to give their last clones and go to another place for ruderalis seed production.

I wish I could give you +rep, but the system does not allow it.
You would think when someone fucks up royaly that it would forever ingrained in their head that the way that you did it was wrong and learn from that. Well.... I left all the stupid lights in the T-5 light instead of only leaving one bulb. Just what I did last year. So I basically cooked all the clones. At least they are only 72 hours into flower and I can take new ones. I "have " to get this cloner done....

I tried the Genfranco way of supercropping only without the bend. I pinched and rolled the stems 3-4 nodes down from the tops on 4-5 of the tallest plants. I'm hoping it works 2 fold. 1 to increase the nute up take in the tops. 2 to maybe cause less streatching. We will see. i only did a few so if they hermie I can pitch them...

I forgot what it was like to have to wait for the lights to come on. I was getting used to just going when ever I wanted... I am going to have to get my heater going, i found it gets pretty cold in there when the lights aren't on. I put the exhaust on a timmer and staged it back to let the lights warm the room before it kicks on and shut it off just as the lights go off to keep some of the heat in the room. I have it set for a 15 min cycle every hour in the dark for oder control.

I gave them some "top max" and "bio-bloom" with their water last night and added MG bloom booster and MG rose food. They looked like they enjoyed it when i checked on them this morning. I think they were growing to fast for what i was feeding them before. They looked a lot healthier today....

I found that by moving one tray off the table I was able to pull the back ones to me without having to lean over and duck under the lights and exhaust. I really like this new set up....
What a day!!! I'm beat. I worked all day then came home to tackle the daunting task of making the cloner. I gathered all the pieces and glued the PVC together. Then I drilled holes for the heads and connected it all to the pump with a short piece of flex hose. I took a bunch of cuttings off the "Kind bud" and a few off some other plants.

I cut and dipped all the clones and set them in place on the cloner. I have the air stone in the resivor with the pump. Maybe a little over kill on the oxygen but better safe than sorry. Now it's cruise control til the clones root and are ready to go in with the others. I may try to take a few more cuttings from the origional plants because 4 of them were the lemon skunk or "B" plant from my first grow. It was a big hit and I kinda like it so I will try again, this time without so much light. I'm beat and going to bed so I will get some pics up tomorrow.....
Hey there, It's 5 o'clock somewhere! Looks like it's coming together great for you!
One thing you may want to check: do you want 'dip' your cuts before you place them in the cloner? I use a bubble cloner and nutes, hormones, etc., are a no-no. The plants cant really take anything in except through their leafs until they get roots; they use what's stored in the plant to grow the roots. And I am sure it's nice for some nute to be there soon after they root, but having that in your water that long is asking for problems, imo........ I very well could be wrong; I 'd check StinkBud's diy on that cloner. The other thing is temp...... in my bubble cloner I keep it above 80 and always get roots within 6-7 days-----and that's warm enough to rot the roots right off of a mature plant!
Anyway, your set-up is really looking great!!

Here are the pic's calm down :cuss:.....I will water them before morning. The clones seem to be doing fine. I put 3 of the surviving clones from the batch that got fried in the cloner also.

After cutting the tops off and taking some cuttings the plants were short and spread out so I took some zip ties and gently bent the bottem branches up so they would act like tops. I will take the ties off in a few days, enough time for the branches to stay that way...


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its just gone five oclock here lol, Ive been havin probs with clones and seeds too just lately i recon they know its winter even tho its nice and warm in the grow cab lol.