5 Plants vs Less plants


Active Member
So for my future grow im planning, will i yeild more if I do 5 plants in 5 gallon buckets or should i do like 3 plants in 8.5 gallon buckets or should i do 2 plants in 12 gallon buckets. (I can only afford 25 gallons of soil). With which one would i get the most yield. Or should i do one plant in 25 gallons?
So for my future grow im planning, will i yeild more if I do 5 plants in 5 gallon buckets or should i do like 3 plants in 8.5 gallon buckets or should i do 2 plants in 12 gallon buckets. (I can only afford 25 gallons of soil). With which one would i get the most yield. Or should i do one plant in 25 gallons?
What kind of native soil do you have? What kind of soil did you plan on buying?
Most landscape suppliers charge $30/yd for decent soil... about $50 with local delivery.
What kind of native soil do you have? What kind of soil did you plan on buying?
Most landscape suppliers charge $30/yd for decent soil... about $50 with local delivery.
Im buying Fox farms ocean something and im buying it online, thats why its so much
Keep a very close eye for the earliest onset of pest / disease issues, identify the culprit and have funds available to acquire the proper product in the event you have issues.

I go for the win with proactive treatment in early veg and again just prior to flower. Abamectin, myclobutanil, imidacloprid. Those aren't cheap though, and shouldn't be used after onset of flower. Not really recommending imidacloprid for outdoor use if there is a bee population in your area. ;)
Why not open ground growing? more yield potential and your asking very subjective questions that no one can truely accurately answer. All depends on your climate(if it favours indica or sativa) and how the season goes.

Use Neem granules to keep pests away and you should be all good.
try composting leaves and going to starbucks and and getting old coffee grinds. compost it all to have more medium
So for my future grow im planning, will i yeild more if I do 5 plants in 5 gallon buckets or should i do like 3 plants in 8.5 gallon buckets or should i do 2 plants in 12 gallon buckets. (I can only afford 25 gallons of soil). With which one would i get the most yield. Or should i do one plant in 25 gallons?

Ahh the age old question lol.
This has been asked many many many times before.
It's all preference.
I would go with 6 plants in 5 gallons of soil each...6 lbs if your lucky. ..I would put them into the ground tho that way they don't run out of space .. make sure they don't starve and you should be good