5 Products Better than Miracle Grow & under $10 At your local Home Depot


Active Member
Well those micronutes are vital so if mg doesn't have em thats not good. If you are spending all the time
and money it takes to build a good hydroponic system then turn around and use mg nutes that kinda silly.
I mean I guess if you don't want the kind of yield you could get with proper nutes hey go for it.
I don't see how just plain mg could work for a hydro setup, or any other set up for that matter.
The shultz line of nutes 10-15-10 8-13-9 or 10-45-10 are cheaper then mg and they do have the micronutes.
I dunno to each his own i guess. Agree to disagree.


Active Member
No, dont get me wrong. I totally agree, micro nutrients are essential. MG might not have enough of them. I dont know that for sure, but I'm willing to take your word for it. As for people saying MG is total garbage, I think they are wrong. I got a small bucket of their water soluble nutrients that I use. I probably use about a gram or less per feed. Its going to last me a very long time. I got it cheap too.

But if you are going to spend over $1000 on equipment, then its kind of a waste if you dont use the proper stuff with it. I totally agree with you on that part. I spent about less then $100 on my setup.

But if someone says that you cant grow anything with MG, then they are totally wrong. "its easy to burn your plants" yeah thats true but that goes with anything on the market today. Too much will burn, but if you use MG in conjunction with a ppm meter, and guidelines setup on this forum for your grow, then you will be fine.

And I totally agree that Shultz is better then MG. My tomatoes can prove it to you lol. I completely agree with what you said, but MG is not total garbage. The right precautions have to be taken with any of these products.


Well-Known Member
What I care about isn't even price as much as being able to buy my stuff at regular stores instead of hydro stores b/c cops stake them out and record your license plate number (at least in Barry Cooper's movie and according to other people's accounts). So thanks for the thread.
So, buying Scotts would be an overall better purchase then Miracle Grow. Should I purchase Scotts with Fertilizer, or Moisture Control? Also, how do I apply the products shown? If I have little germinated seeds, how would I mix the things with Scotts, or know when and how much fertilizer to put on and apply. Haha, other than putting the seed in soil, I don't understand how plant food or anything really works. I'm sorry that your dealing with a total noob, but that's why I'm making a post and not a thread. Hope you can answer all the questions I have.

So visualize it as, I have just put germinated seeds in to plain Scotts soil. Now what do I do? (yes I've read a lot about growing, but I'm on a lower budget because I only have a few seedlings and I'm growing outdoors. Some of the fine details are never mentioned)
^^^Oh cmon, please help me out. I understand patience in a forum, but I'd like to get my germinated seeds planted immediately. They have roots that are over an inch long, and I don't want anything bad to happen to them. I want to grow them outside, but I think I want to start them in a cup and pot, and shelter them from heavy rain until they get bigger.I also live in New Jersey where it starts getting cold in October. I really want to get some harvest in, so I can be stocked for the winter. I really fear just plainly planting the seeds in the plain ground. It rains HARD where I live. So I have these concerns and the above concerns.

PLEASE HELP! Thank you.


New Member
I could not find Color Burst 15 30 15. I did find Schulz Starter Plus that is 5 10 5. Can I triple the recommended amount and be safe. Bring it up to triple strength slowly. Looked all over for Color Burst. MG makes a 15 30 15. Would I be better of using that instead. Thanks for a wonderful thread.