5 questions regarding bubbleponics & scrog'ing


Well-Known Member
I have a post at https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/335834-so-i-have-filing-cabinet.html explaining what I want to do

Basically, i'm growing in a filing cabinet thats 3 feet high, 2 feet wide and 3 feet in depth.

So the questions:

1.) For 1 plant, what size of container is recommended for the roots/water resevoir?

2.) Where do I want the water line in regards to where the seed is planted?

3.) I want to do this properly. I dont need the cadilac of nutrients, but I don't want there to be any issues. Suggestions on nutes? How much approx is a month supply of nutes?

4.) How often do you flush the water & feed the plant nutes?

5.) Those scorging & using bubble ponics, any advise for a first time grower? Any advice and/or opinions are appreciated!

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
1) Use a large 5, 10 or 15 gallon container. Rubbermaid with a dark color to keep light OUT of your resivour. Some people convert large capacity ice chests into containers. With one site, I recommend a larger size or whatever works for your setup.

2) Some people say one inch, some people say right below almost touching the bottom of the basket. I leave an inch an a

3) General hydroponics, Canna, and Lucas are great brands. Buy dry powders if available. Try to stay away from organics with bubbleponics to avoid slime, brown roots and bad smells.

4) I change my water every week. Start with RO water and pH your shit after you add your
nutes. Less is more. Some people change there water every two weeks, but I follow weekly feeding schedules that work for my setup. Some folks never change out there water. They just top it off and add mote nutes. I don't advise that but if it works for some people, maybe I shouldn't knock it.

5) You can use chicken wire, net trelis, hemp string, whatever works. Weave tops in between squares, and clip all bullshit vegitation below the main canopy. Install a drainage mechanism to make draining your resivour less stressful on plants. Make sure to keep your net tight like a guitar string if possible.

Hope this was helpful. Iam a noob as well but if we discuss facts and things we
have tried, we can learn the importance
of community based forums like this one,
educating ourselves along the way. Peace.


Well-Known Member
When you said you leave an inch and a half, is that from where the seed was planted or from the bottom of the basket?

I can only have this plant between 24-30 inches tall; but with scorging, could I use a plant that would regularly be 4 feet tall and contain it under the grid?

thanks for the insight too, +rep


Well-Known Member
From the bottom of the basket. Once the roots come out from the bottom of the basket you can experiment with different levels of water. This manual I have for my tubs advise keeping an air buffer between basket and water level. There is no wrong way as long as it works for you.
Thanks bro. Hope all goes well.

"The long arc of the Universe will always bend twards justice". -MLK


Well-Known Member
And yes. You are gonna want a smaller Indica strain. Try flowering before they get
to big. Even with a SCROG, flower when they are between 12 and 14 inches or you might have problems considering you are only working with a few feet. Having adequate cooling and/or a hood with glass allows you to get a light really close without burning tops. Using compact flourescents will allow great side lighting. They also can be positioned much closer to your plants
without buns or excessive heat.

Keep this scene alive or be forced to smoke schwagg. Ahhhhhh!!


Well-Known Member
haha well i live in BC, so I haven't ever smoked schwagg ;) only two times ive smoked shwagg were in washington and mexico

i think i'm going to change my setup and get a 5 foot tall dresser, 3.5 feet wide and 2.5 feet deep; unfortunately I don't think ill have enough room to use bubbleponics,lights, scrogging, etc in a small filing cabinet like that// and im starting to get greedy with the yield i want the more and more i research everything

on a side note, im thinking 8 lights, 6 6500k cfls and 2 2500k cfls (if theres a better way, let me know!)

and I also think i'm going to grow 4~ in soil first and make sure I have females-I dont want to try and cut out a male plant after scorg'ing for a bit.

andddd also I've done multiple searches trying to figure out how often to add nutrients; is it a set weekly, bi-weekly, daily schedule or do you give them nutrients when the colours of the leaves, etc start changing and you diagnose what they need?


Active Member
Alot of people use a ppm meter to measure the amount of nutrients in there water... And they will add as necessary.... I however do not possess one of these (getting to be a necessity) godly items... So i do a complete res change every week(all mew nutes and water)... While i just top of with phd water during the week..... Hope this helps
1.) For 1 plant, what size of container is recommended for the roots/water resevoir?

2.) Where do I want the water line in regards to where the seed is planted?

3.) I want to do this properly. I dont need the cadilac of nutrients, but I don't want there to be any issues. Suggestions on nutes? How much approx is a month supply of nutes?

4.) How often do you flush the water & feed the plant nutes?

5.) Those scorging & using bubble ponics, any advise for a first time grower? Any advice and/or opinions are appreciated!
1.) For a SCROG I would say 5 Gal bucket at a minimum. SCROG plants have a lot of vegetation which means more transpiration.

2.) I use cuttings, but I believe you want the water high enough to wet the rooting cube. After I get roots in the res I lower the level to just below the net pot.

3.) I use GH Maxibloom at the 7grams per gallon lucas ratio. It is the only product in my res for the entire cycle. From seed would probably necessitate starting at less than half lucas to avoid nute burn. Again, I use rooted cuttings.

4.) Complete res change with nutes weekly, top with ph corrected (if necessary) water as needed.

5.) Water handling under a SCROG canopy can be problematic. Some folks plumb their buckets with drain and fill hoses to help with res changes. Fill the screen to 2/3rd or better prior to 12/12.



Well-Known Member
I have a post at https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/335834-so-i-have-filing-cabinet.html explaining what I want to do

Basically, i'm growing in a filing cabinet thats 3 feet high, 2 feet wide and 3 feet in depth.

So the questions:

1.) For 1 plant, what size of container is recommended for the roots/water resevoir?

2.) Where do I want the water line in regards to where the seed is planted?

3.) I want to do this properly. I dont need the cadilac of nutrients, but I don't want there to be any issues. Suggestions on nutes? How much approx is a month supply of nutes?

4.) How often do you flush the water & feed the plant nutes?

5.) Those scorging & using bubble ponics, any advise for a first time grower? Any advice and/or opinions are appreciated!

Thanks guys
1.Yeah, for 1 plant and space restrictions I would say 5gal.
2.I kept my water line below the baskets to keep the medium slightly moist, and hand watered until roots came through.
3.Nutes vary in price, I use Miracle grow. Like 5 bucks for a small box and is gonna last me a few grows.
4.I feed my plants a nute mix once a week. Sometimes half a dose in between when they are older.
5.I use bubbles, and all I can say is, get as many bubble stones as you can fit. Line the whole res bottom if you can.

haha well i live in BC, so I haven't ever smoked schwagg ;) only two times ive smoked shwagg were in washington and mexico

i think i'm going to change my setup and get a 5 foot tall dresser, 3.5 feet wide and 2.5 feet deep; unfortunately I don't think ill have enough room to use bubbleponics,lights, scrogging, etc in a small filing cabinet like that// and im starting to get greedy with the yield i want the more and more i research everything

on a side note, im thinking 8 lights, 6 6500k cfls and 2 2500k cfls (if theres a better way, let me know!)

and I also think i'm going to grow 4~ in soil first and make sure I have females-I dont want to try and cut out a male plant after scorg'ing for a bit.

andddd also I've done multiple searches trying to figure out how often to add nutrients; is it a set weekly, bi-weekly, daily schedule or do you give them nutrients when the colours of the leaves, etc start changing and you diagnose what they need?
I use the CFLs as well, great lights by the way! I would suggest getting more 2500k than 65, if you can.
They can use the red spectrum during veg and having more red for flower will get better dense buds.
With a 5ft tall dresser you will definitely have enough room for a bubble bucket and scrog!
If your gonna grow seedlings or cuttings and sex them first, I have another suggestion.
You can germ them in whichever medium your using or even in the net pots and slide them in 2-liter bottles with the top cut off.
Fill the bottles with perlite or hydroton or whatever and you can grow them out long enough to sex them and keep them seperate.
If you start off in the net baskets you can then transfer the best female plant straight into the bubble bucket.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info pwizzle, just repped ya

would it be more beneficial to use 6 6500k and 2 2500ks during veg then 6 2500k and 2 6500k bulbs for flowering? or leave it say 5 2500k and 3 6500k throughout the whole grow? I want the best efficiency with 8 cfl lights

and one of my friends is going to give me a couple clones so I dont have to worry about sexing them anymore (thank god) but that was definitely a good suggestion

have you done a scrog & bubbleponics grow before? I'm trying to figure out how much I might be able to yield giving them earth juice nutes on a regular non nute-burning schedule with 2 northern lights #5 plant; for a first grow im guessing around a 2 ozs?


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna take the extra effort and buy bulbs for each state of growth I would definitely go for it.
Do 6 6500k and 2 2500k for veg and vice versa for flower. That would work out great.

About yield, it varies a lot. If your doin a scrog I don't see why you wouldn't get 2 Os.