5 strains! Medi-bud, THC Bomb, Mango, SS Haze, J. Herer


Well-Known Member
thats whats up my dude almost there!
rofl, yeah, almost there...for 1 strain out of 6!
It's gonna be 6-10 weeks for the rest. but, while I'm smoking the LR2, I won't be touching the little buds on the other plants. that was always a part of the reason for my past failures. I just know I'm gonna succeed this time. the third time really is the charm!
also, I now believe, root lock was always part of the problem too. still have several more that need transplanting.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Love the LSTing!!! Great job and looking very cool!! Hey, which ones are your THC Bombs??
Well, it really does look like you are having fun!! Right On!!


Well-Known Member
Love the LSTing!!! Great job and looking very cool!! Hey, which ones are your THC Bombs??
Well, it really does look like you are having fun!! Right On!!
hey, that is really appreciated. it's my first time trying the LST method. it didn't look complicated and I had a good link to a great thread.
the link for the awesome LST page is here, for whomever wants it:
LST Low stress training of cannabis seeds plants
here are some pics of the THC Bomb, just for you growinman! I just transplanted them yesterday and the bottom leaves got a little yellow, so I haven't got any pics newer than 2 days, sry.
the thcb are inline with the white UVB clip light, two of them are. the third is in front of the spray bottle, it's been LST'd just for shits n giggles. it's in a 13L planter with a medibud, they look almost identical, but smell completely different.
the thcb in the smaller pots got a little root bound, cuz I was being lazy. they are enjoying their new home, together, in a 20L planter.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I'm gonna upload some new pics, fresh ones, lol, just taken today.

I'm gonna do it by strain, starting with THC Bomb. still got 3 of those.

they got a little root bound, cuz I was being lazy, and a few others also.
they seem to be doing well, now. I don't really know, but the tallest is
about 30cm tall, it is unaltered. the shortest one has been LST'd. and
the middle one was topped. they all have quite short internode spacings,
the tallest plant having the shortest, and so on...
also, all plants, except LR2, just got their last 'veg' nutes, next watering cycle
I'll flush because all pots/planters have solid nutes, much heavier in phosphorous,
at the bottom of the pots. I want to wash out any nitrogen, only liquid up to
now, that has built up, and any other salts, then start fresh.

if you're growin THC Bomb, post a pic...



Well-Known Member
for those who don't know, Salvia Divinorum is nothing like weed. the effects are quite different and last a much shorter time. it made me feel like my extremities were on rubber stalks, especially, my head and hands. the effects are dwindling now...I use a mix of salvia, tobacco and some cannabis leaf...

SSH is doing the best, over all, of all the strains, atm. all LST'd, and not stretching too much!

Post some pics of your SSH!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
hey onenumcat very nice grow and nice choice of strains. awsome little jungle you got going in there. hope it all ends well for you... good luck.

yea i know all about salvia... that was funny when you said i just smoked salvia and i feel really weird.


Well-Known Member
sry, since I got the most JH, there are lots of JH pics, of course, lol...:bigjoint:(just love that smiley)
that last one was the one whos main stem was snapped at about 10 days old. I think it has finally re-rooted itself and seems to be just shooting up in the last several days, still 10 JH!

Show me ur Jack!



Well-Known Member
as they're so close to harvesting...the best for last...

these two lil ladies look very similar, but that could not be further from the truth...for some reason, as both have had the exact same treatment; one has really tiny, really tight buds(like rocks!), except for a huge(for a LR2) main cola, which is also tight as a nunz azz!
the other has a little looser buds, much larger(for LR2), and a little lfewer bud sites, except for the main cola, which I've been raping for the last week, haha, cuz I'm an impatient, greedy, SOB, I know it and that is what the LR2 was intended for!

:mrgreen: "Know thy self!" LOL

oh no, second wave of the salvia hitting me now...in combination with really strong coffee!(I can barely type correctly, and I'm getting tunnel vision...it's totally different now!)(and the other day, I held some salvia in my mouth, enhanced leaf, like a chaw of tobacco, for about 20-30 minutes...it made me really angry for several hours...I won't use it that way again!)

anyway, show me your LR2. I showed you mine...it's only fair, lol.:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
very nice......................
hey onenumcat very nice grow and nice choice of strains. awsome little jungle you got going in there. hope it all ends well for you... good luck.

yea i know all about salvia... that was funny when you said i just smoked salvia and i feel really weird.
Thanks florida, and welcome to the show, haha:weed:.

spent some time in Jacksonville, while in the military, and Daytona beach(during spring break, all I can say is "muhahahaha ha"), which is awesome for strange poontang. DB doesn't suck and I'm sure there must be some other nice places in FL...

enjoy the 'jungle', lol...second wave of salvia was even better, hehe, a real :wall:!!!

Just for you! 'The Jungle' Hahaha:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
yea N.florida is great its just i live in miami and trust me ive been here my whole life, you dont want to live here. glad you enjoy your salvia i cant stand the stuff. nice jungle pics... thanx.


Well-Known Member
yea N.florida is great its just i live in miami and trust me ive been here my whole life, you dont want to live here. glad you enjoy your salvia i cant stand the stuff. nice jungle pics... thanx.
Miami sux? really? I watch 'Dexter', seems like a nice place...unless Dexter gets a hold of ya, LOL.
actually, the other day was my first time using the salvia...kinda h8ed it...sucking the leaf, but kinda enjoyed smoking it. I tried vaporizing it...but my vaporizer doesn't get hot enough for salvia. I'll stick to smoking, but in lesser quantities than this time. lookin forward to seeing more posts from you in my journal.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Miami sux? really? I watch 'Dexter', seems like a nice place...unless Dexter gets a hold of ya, LOL.
actually, the other day was my first time using the salvia...kinda h8ed it...sucking the leaf, but kinda enjoyed smoking it. I tried vaporizing it...but my vaporizer doesn't get hot enough for salvia. I'll stick to smoking, but in lesser quantities than this time. lookin forward to seeing more posts from you in my journal.:bigjoint:
well miami is not that bad but im just tired of living here my whole life. of course im watchin till the end, if it ever ends..


Well-Known Member
well miami is not that bad but im just tired of living here my whole life. of course im watchin till the end, if it ever ends..
yeah, and I was pissed during the writers strike...no Dex for a whole year!! aholes!:finger:(writers)

cleared out a bunch of shiite from the grow room today. gained a foot of width. removed the tables, lowered the lights...and
moved the mounts to the widest position available, the hoods nearly touch the walls! WHEW!! I'm tired!
nEW gROWING aREA dIMENTIONS; SAME AS BEFORE, LOL. but, I'm using it more efficiently, rofl.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
also, re-potted several plants, which I was sure were suffering from bound roots...sure enough, they were! still got 4 to transplant,
but need two more big planters. eventually, all, but one...that little JH that had a broken main stem, will be in large planters,
on the 'buddy' system, LOL! (two to a planter='buddy system'):weed:

I wish I had not been so lazy...several of them surely took some stress...keeping my fingers, toes and nutz crossed...NO FRICKIN MALES!!!!
well, maybe one would be alright, I'd like to collect some pollen...don't wanna keep shellin out $ to the seed co!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
onenumcat said:
thanks man! but, I'm a total amature, LOL.
this one is my only success, so far so good, outta 3 tries...gonna go blaze...:joint:
In my country number 3 is a luck number. And it looks like this time Your really doing all right.
I like Your grow very much - especially experimenting with lights and lot of practical things.


Well-Known Member
.........right on!! Lookinig great in there, as always!! and more organized<--( I started to keep things cleaner and more presentable myself when I started taking pics....before that it was just me seeing...lol)

I got the pics of the THC Bomb, a few bud shots, and was going to get them up last night........well, maybe tonight now......but rebuilding my veg room right now. I 'll tell you, the tchb is awesome smelling/ tasting........already(had a sample last night..haha)

Got pics in my gallery--will get them in a post later..

Have a great weekend!!