5 Week Old Random Bagseed: Stunted/Yellowing, WHY??


Active Member
My two roughly 5 week old random bagseed plants are extremely small (I think) for how old they are.

The smaller one is yellowing even more on the new growth tips/sites. :-(

I watered with tap water that sat out for 24hrs, with a lower ration of Jack's Classic "all purpose" (1/2 teaspoon - 2 gallons)

Any thoughts on why they are soo small and yellowing appreciated:!:;-)
{larger plant of the two, actually looking better than previous:https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/329410-yellowing-plant.html}

{smaller plant looking worse:wall::wall:}

{over-all shot to give idea of size, look @ bricks}


Active Member
I have no equip. to test soil PH, unless those "test strips" work with some distilled water and soil mixed in????


Well-Known Member
Dig them up and put them in a really good quality potting soil in a pot...pH is VERY IMPORTANT, Your soil is really dry, the plant needs nitrogen, calcium and magnesium....


Active Member
I actually watered them yesterday and fertilized with 20-20-20. the soil was decent (some organic local potting mix) it turned out all hard like that when it rained for 3 days straight prior to planting (planted 4/1/10) and turned it into hard compacted soil after drying.

How do u test soil PH?


Active Member
what if i dig them up and replace the existing potting soil thats hard with "fresh" of the same soil and put them back in the same spot, then water good??


Active Member
UPDATE: plants looking a little better, smaller one has a new growth site that is completely white looking now, other than that still looking stunted and weak....
looks like a plant mayne, stuff happens u know..

In November there will be a ballot for legalizing the recreational use of marijuana for adults in California! (That means LEGAL)

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Active Member
looks like a plant mayne, stuff happens u know..

In November there will be a ballot for legalizing the recreational use of marijuana for adults in California! (That means LEGAL)

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....spam threads more

So, how should I go about testing my soil?
if ur straped wit cash walk around ur neigbor hood till u find a really dark soil... the darker it is the more nuts it has, add sand, perilite ext... till u find the consitancy u like it shouldent hold water for more than 5 days... and dont over fertilize
grass land usualy have really good soil, i have left plants to grow with out even fertilizing, and checkin the ph.... the stronger strains will produce good, and the ones that dont u dont really want n e ways