5 weeks flowering - 217w lot watage CFL's


Is this looking ok for 5 and a half weeks flowering? Its my first grow and am not sure what to expect but i think its going well for a bag seed. Veg'd for a month and a week till it got to 13 inches.

Size 2'9" not growing upwards anymore..

Lights surrounding the plant with almost all cola's covered.
1x 43w 2700k = 43w
8x 13w 3000k = 104w
2x 23w 6500k = 46w
1x 15w 2700k = 15w
1x 09w 2700k = 9w

Total = 217w

I am looking to find out what strain or anything about what it might be..
i post the hi res versions of the photos if it helps or if anyone is interested.



Well-Known Member
I too am 5 1/2 weeks into flower on my first grow with bagseed running 234w of cfl. Yours buds are looking bigger than mine, so that's good...lol I split the stem in a lighting incident a few weeks into 12/12 and I think that set things back abit. Good job man, won't be long now! Here's a pic of mine from a couple days ago.



Funny thing is it still smells like fresh cut grass...

@whynot - how long did you veg? How tall is she? She looks very close to mine.


Well-Known Member
I started my seed outside mid may. Moved her inside beginniing of June. Started 12/12 end of June. She was topped so 2 main stems and then LST'd. Total height from dirt is about 12"or so. Plant footprint is about 24"x18".


Active Member
Those are nice plants. Nice pictures too. You can see the trichs on the fan leaves and buds. Nice.