5 weeks flowering, leaves are yellow/browning and falling off


Well-Known Member
To let you know I couldn't find any molasses and I talked to my brother, he said that he used to rid of gnats using a clear glass bowl with a mixture of liquid dish soap and apple vinegar, I went ahead and added that to my room and now my room smells somewhat like butterscotch (I actually enjoy the smell) if nothing else I think I found a solution for odor control, now I sit and wait to see what I catch.


Active Member
well heres an update, my plants seem to be getting better. A week ago they were definatly not growing, but now i have noticed new growth. There are little leaves comming out of the main colas and the nugs seem to be filling in now, there are still leaves that are falling off but they are mostly the ones that were dead anyhow. with the stunted growth for like 2weeks i think that im going to let them go a bit longer they have been flowering for 57 days now. IM still not sure what the problem was but i think that my ph was way to low and cause a nutrient lock out. I dont have a soil ph tester, only the one from my hydro setup and it only test liquid.

Humboldt good luck with those gnats, hopefully you wont have them for much longer.


Active Member
The girls have been flowering for 5 weeks and the past week leaves have been turning yellow on the viens, they are turning brown and getting brittle. Im not sure what the problem is. Im using a 400watt hps, growing in soil, temps are between 71-78 and humidity 48-55%. I thought is was an over fertilization problem but i have been giving them plain water but the problem seems to be getting worse and speading. Could it be a magnesium deficiency? any help would be great. thanks

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