5 Weeks into flower and having trouble


Alright guys heres a noob reaching out.

Here's the skinny.

I have a monster of a plant(more like tree)

Strain- Unknown hybrid
Lights- 2x600w hps
Room temp-70(dark) 85(lights on)
Ventilation-590 cfm inline cooling hoods(running half speed)
Soil- Foxfarm Ocean Forest
Nutrients-Snow Storm(once a week at recommended strength)
Soil Ph- a hair under 7

Ok I'm about 5 weeks into flowering and things are turning south.IMG_0750.jpgIMG_0751.jpgIMG_0754.jpg Some bud branches look fantastic. Slight yellow lower fan leaves with full green buds and getting frosty. Others are full on yellow and curling with the yellow getting into the buds and brown/purple showing up on smaller upper bud leaves.

I have a mild whitefly problem and am not making progress. I know this is hurting the plant and don't want to lose anything.

I am wondering if I should chop the branches that are looking bad to try to save them or just cut all together and start over.

Here are some pics. They are waaaay washed out do to the lights on but you can definitely see what is happening. I will try to snap better ones asap.

Any help/suggestions will be much appreciated.

Bayou bud

Active Member
for the whitefly's you might from those yellow strips. I know a guy who had a problem with pests and used them and they only work a little. He had early issues with pests and then committed genocide on them with some neem oil and has not had an issue since. I'm not sure if that is alright to use during flowering. I've also heard of lemon juice mixed into water spraying while avoiding the buds. For pests, to stop them from laying eggs into the soil you could put peat gravel and sand on top of the soil, also helps hold in a bit of moisture. I might also try and throw in another fan in there to get some more ventilation and air circulation. You really do not want pockets of air building up. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi Bard ~ Its hard to tell from your pictures... I would seek to improve on the battle against the bugs i would suggest SNS-203.


Active Member
Also "green palmolive dish soap diluted in water (one tsp of soap to one gallon of water)" will clear this up tried and test for years.


I just applied the palmolive(green) at suggested concentration and it seems to be working! The flies immediately leapt off the plant and refuse to land back on it.

Also I had to wait for the sunset until I could get some better pics. Was able to get a hold of my buddy's usb microscope to snap some tric pics too. Here they are.

Forgot to mention that I added fish emulsion to the soil(2oz per gal) three days ago. I've been using it in my outdoor vegetable garden for years and it always perks up and colors in yellow leaves. Seems to be helping but I can't be sure yet.

As mentioned earlier I'm 5-6weeks into flower. Anyone wanna take a guess at how much longer I should let it go?



Active Member
let it go for another week or two. just keep checking your trichs. when they turn from clear to milky white you'll only have a little while left. then when you start seeing amber colored trichs then its time to cut her down. looks good bro