5 weeks into flowering and looking a bit too green... First grow... need some help

My girl is 5 weeks into flowering and she is looking a little bit too green... I'm thinking its a nutrient problem. Maybe she has some residual Nitrogen in her soil? Should I flush her? Any suggestions? Please?


6- 40w Flourescent tubes
3- 13w CFL's

FoxFarms TigerBloom


Well-Known Member
It could be a lot of things but to tell you the truth, flushing will never hurt, only help a plant get back on its roots.


Some strains have darker leaves. Do the leaves feel crispy at all? Is there burning on leaf margins? Typically, darker leaves are excess of nitrogen, which is rare if you are feeding bloom nutes. It might not be anything at all.

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
shit looks good to me some strains are just darker than others...no burnt or curled tips? then your good let her grow! also flushing never hurts....


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me as well, mostly people have a problem with leaves not being green enough.
But I wouldn't feed it too much N from now on.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i must also say, dude, that plant is looking very good, your taking a blessing as a curse, lol. i dont see how having nice green healthy leaves could be a sign of something wrong......
Someone told me on another post that it looked "too green" for being in flowering, but from what everyone has said i guess its not a big deal... thanks for all the input


Well-Known Member
if your worried about the final taste just drop the nitrogen flush a couple times and increase the amount of time in the dark for the last week do like a 10/14 it will use up the food stored in the leaves and whats left of the nitrogen in the soil
if your worried about the final taste just drop the nitrogen flush a couple times and increase the amount of time in the dark for the last week do like a 10/14 it will use up the food stored in the leaves and whats left of the nitrogen in the soil
Are you sure about the 10/14 thing? I've never heard of that. I've only heard of leaving it in the dark for 24 hours before harvest to increase resin production.