5 weeks into flowering.. would thc be strong enough to sample?


Active Member
The buds are just taking off. Of course they are small right now. If I sample a little right now would it be a waste? I'm just not sure at what stage thc appears. lol


Well-Known Member
not a complete waste no but the thc level is not going to be as high because of the buds being immature still. You can give it a taste if ya like but I wouldnt do it. Shouldnt harm nothing. At least your not asking to smoke leaves....Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
WAIT!!! dont do it its a waist. first it will be packed with nutes and im sure u wanna quick dry instead of 5days dry and 3-5 weeks cure right? it MIGHT get u high but wont taste like the finished product. sometimes u jus have to learn the hard way tho lol gud luck


Well-Known Member
[i often have taken a few small buds to sample.... thc forms early but they wont be as strong as the finished bud. Remember what you take would be 4 times more at harvast. I have run out during a grow and broke down and took a few buds and dried them in micro wave on low power. since i hadent smoked for a couple of weeks that micro fried but gave me halucigentic flashes!