Good job so far. If you aren't already, you may want to consider adding some molasses to your watering schedule (2 TBS per gallon). This will help them plump up. If you are using CFLs, try and get a few more to make the buds bigger. If HPS, maybe move a little closer. Other than that, looking nice and healthy. Good luck the rest of the way.
i have 5 lights, 3 23w's and 2 42w's. i really want a hps but for one i dont have the money and 2 i dont have the vertical height for it. as soon as i get a couple extra bucks im gonna go out and get some more lights either a couple more 42w's or maybe try to find like a 150w cfl. also i was thinkin of trimmin all the lower buds and leafs off the plant leaveing just the top 1/2 - 1/3. would this A) make the plant focus on growing the top buds bigger and fatter or B) cause more stress than its worth??? i was just thinkin if i can just get an isolated area of buds to concentrate what light i have on and just get rid of the others that it would make those isolated ones better?? any truth to this statement??
Dab, removing the lower bud sites is fine and will allow the plant to focus on the upper buds. That's the concept behind the Sea of Green (SOG). You will lose some growing time but you'll be rewarded with bigger buds higher up the plant. Be careful NOT to cut fan leaves, unless they are shading some promising buds.
The regular Grandma's Blackstrap molasses is what most use. The black bottle with the yellow label.
awesome well i think thats what i might do. all those lower bud sights are just not getting any light i just wasnt sure if cutting them off would be worth the while. so u guys think it would be the way to go??
i wood not trim that plant any moor as it looks perfect to me. is it just one plant? as if it is then it will have a good covering of light just try and have manly 2700k lights. at this stag its not worth cuting or choping that plant it will just give it stres
oh yes lol thanks for reminding me i keep meaning to bring that up. i feed BC boost and bloom, thrive alive red, and awesome blossom. i feed with a 1/2 gallon of water ph'ed to 6. 3 days later i water with 1/2 gallon of just ph'ed water. three days after that i flush it by flooding the pot to the top and letting it drain 3 times. then three days later i start all over. ive just kinda tailored this program to my soil. it drains really well. and i just kinda played around with some stuff and this is what i have found and my plant hasnt shown me any signs of dislike yet but what do u guys think sound good? also when i feed i use the measurments on the bottle mixing the half gallon of water to a 1400 ppm soulution. its for hyrdro so i dunno if thats too much or not but its been workin out