5 WEEKS OLD d(-_-)b


Well-Known Member
i just checked on my lights they have gone off as required and the heater was buzzing away happily i stood in there and i wasnt cold like i was in the other half of the shed brrr
so thats rested my mind i cant imagine it getting too cold for the plants in there
only concern and its an easy little 1 the switch on the heater glows red will this 1 led of light bother my plants i cant imagine and it can be solved with a piece of tape if need be
sofar this light has been the worst part of my grow ;) iv had 3 flawless grows before this so i thought id document this 1 because all i have in memory of my last ones is a police rap sheet listing the street value of my plants and a sheet listing destroyed items such as. lights fans resovoirs etc so i will do this 1 proper and have as many pics as i can i cant imagine you guys getting bored of looking at weed i know i dont


Well-Known Member
lol does every one smoke half oz a week guess its a just about affordable rationable ammount still only lasts me till weds/thurs morning tho;)


Well-Known Member
is it getting freezing on a nite were you are,it is in yorkshire. if your growing outside in a shed. wouldnt it be best to have the 12/12 cycle. the lites on in the nite, when its at its coldest, or have you got a heater there. im growing in a closet in my garage, and it gets to about 30deg , on a nite when the lites are off.


Well-Known Member
i just checked on my lights they have gone off as required and the heater was buzzing away happily i stood in there and i wasnt cold like i was in the other half of the shed brrr
so thats rested my mind i cant imagine it getting too cold for the plants in there
only concern and its an easy little 1 the switch on the heater glows red will this 1 led of light bother my plants i cant imagine and it can be solved with a piece of tape if need be
sofar this light has been the worst part of my grow ;) iv had 3 flawless grows before this so i thought id document this 1 because all i have in memory of my last ones is a police rap sheet listing the street value of my plants and a sheet listing destroyed items such as. lights fans resovoirs etc so i will do this 1 proper and have as many pics as i can i cant imagine you guys getting bored of looking at weed i know i dont
cant get bored of the weed. u got ur lights on at night/day?
cmon with the pics rude bwoy


Well-Known Member
the lights come on at 7 pm in the day stay on over night then they go off at 7 am then a heater comes on on a timer


Well-Known Member
the lights come on at 7 pm in the day stay on over night then they go off at 7 am then a heater comes on on a timer
sounds like it should be ok in there at nght, day time is kinda cold stlll. my temps have lowered a bit, damn col hate it!
nute burn got a little worse on my ladies, put up 1 or few pics lata. urs looking ok?
1 geeza just harvested some cheese, bwoy let me tel u its nice u no.


Well-Known Member
i have a 2kw heater in there set on half way blowing into the mack of a 9" desk fan i have a massive bionair 1 or something but crikey that makes the shed vibrate

i went in there when i woke up/well got woken up at 1 pm and it was nice and bearable even in just a dressing gown i felt ok in there it was certanly the equivalent of a summers night
iv heard of people using a system of 12 hours dark then 6 hrs light then 12 dark/6 hrs light etc any of you peeps heard of this? i cant personaly see this doing anything eccept shortening the flowering period and deminishing the yield the plants were grown in the shed from seeds with the lights on 24/7 for 5-6 weeks i think the heater is doing its job also i havbe won a hygromiter off e bay for £5 just waitin for that from hong kong should be about a fortnight
the nutes i am using now is canna. terra flores .. i was using tomatorite but stopped using nutes and used just warm /tap water from the cold tap allowed to warm overnight in the grow room due to slight nute burn on some of the fan leaves on 1 of the plants as soon as this gro is done i have to get a big resovoir and flood and drain system with air pump and heater and i need a new tds meter and ph meters basicaly whet ur seeing from this grow is me managing with a budget and i think its going pretty well so far i cant wait to see what this room looks like when i can afford to kit it out properly with the £70 i spend a week on bud now
i have uploaded a few pics of the heater and extractor fan some branchy nodes and i think the timer and ballasts



Well-Known Member
i have a 2kw heater in there set on half way blowing into the mack of a 9" desk fan i have a massive bionair 1 or something but crikey that makes the shed vibrate

i went in there when i woke up/well got woken up at 1 pm and it was nice and bearable even in just a dressing gown i felt ok in there it was certanly the equivalent of a summers night
iv heard of people using a system of 12 hours dark then 6 hrs light then 12 dark/6 hrs light etc any of you peeps heard of this? i cant personaly see this doing anything eccept shortening the flowering period and deminishing the yield the plants were grown in the shed from seeds with the lights on 24/7 for 5-6 weeks i think the heater is doing its job also i havbe won a hygromiter off e bay for £5 just waitin for that from hong kong should be about a fortnight
the nutes i am using now is canna. terra flores .. i was using tomatorite but stopped using nutes and used just warm /tap water from the cold tap allowed to warm overnight in the grow room due to slight nute burn on some of the fan leaves on 1 of the plants as soon as this gro is done i have to get a big resovoir and flood and drain system with air pump and heater and i need a new tds meter and ph meters basicaly whet ur seeing from this grow is me managing with a budget and i think its going pretty well so far i cant wait to see what this room looks like when i can afford to kit it out properly with the £70 i spend a week on bud now
i have uploaded a few pics of the heater and extractor fan some branchy nodes and i think the timer and ballasts
you call that a budget grow, set up looks very decent, u must have some big plans for ur shed.
I have never hered abt 6hrs light for flowering, i agree with u it would only result in lower yield, plants need light to produce buds, less light less bud! Im waiting on a ph/ec meter as well saw 1 on ebay keep gettin outbidded.
nodes are close together in that pic, good sign.
few pics of my BUDGET grow, very budget lol.



Well-Known Member
well my mate gave me these lights so im still earning them i only get like £180 a week wages agency work (keeps me off the radar if i get caught i cant lose my job ) i pay 40 rent a week 20 i owe my girlfriends mother a week she lent me £450 for the shed setup £10 a week electricity £70 + on shit quality bud leaves me 20 for petrol and 20 to spend in the week so yeh £20 a week is budget but im kinda making it a budget cause i love the weed so much so without having no smoke till harvest this is the best way i can do it m8


Well-Known Member
yo times are hard, i no abt that. we got some nice green around here right now, but i am skint. cnt even get a cheap weed. put my car away for a while, drivin an xpense i dont need right now. get paid monthly most of that goes on mortgage.
some 1 gave me my light & ballast, think i can keep em now, hopefully.
is a nice set up u got there. u gonna grow em into giant trees?