5 weeks old some input please


Well-Known Member
agree, some H2o2 would probably help a lot, both for the gnats but also for over watering and to provide some oxygen for your roots, a small bottle of 3% from the local drug store is a cheap "fix" 10 ml to a liter of water should do it, water until you see a good amount of run of and then let it be to dry up

I just used it on my 6 weeks old lady

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Okay so grab some hydrogen peroxide 3% add 10 ml to a liter of water and then just water around her? Is it risky at all? Could it hurt the roots?


Well-Known Member
no problem, and sure use some bottle water for that, or even better rain water (actualy have a tiny amount of H2O2 in it as well, why plants love it ;)

but try to check out your tap water, most water plants have there own home pages with yearly/monthly test posted with every thing from PH to Ppm and if it contain chlorine aso


Well-Known Member
Don't know what to say about your lack of nuts:eyesmoke:(sorry) but Miracle Grow is mediocre at best. Get nutrients made for cannabis.

I think you little ladies either need a bit more nitrogen or you may have another problem, maybe root aphids. BTW, what do you have laying on the soil in slices?


Well-Known Member
H2O2 will work much better Im sure, make sure the water is around 64-68F when mixing it ..

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
plant tone is 5-3-3 which means it is higher in nitrogen. How much longer do you plan on vegging her?

If not much longer, I would look for garden tone or flower tone.


plant tone is 5-3-3 which means it is higher in nitrogen. How much longer do you plan on vegging her?

If not much longer, I would look for garden tone or flower tone.

Okay I found the garden tone and got the hydrogen peroxide. I was planning on vegging her for another 2-3 weeks just cause of her size. So for the concoction I want to add a cup of the garden tone around the soil (mix it in a bit on top) then can I just use the mix of the hydrogen peroxide and water to water it right after? And exactly how much H2o2 should I use to how much water?


I was going to do 200 ml of H202 to 800 ml of water and use about a cup of the garden-tone and water it with H2)2 concoction. Sound good?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Okay I found the garden tone and got the hydrogen peroxide. I was planning on vegging her for another 2-3 weeks just cause of her size. So for the concoction I want to add a cup of the garden tone around the soil (mix it in a bit on top) then can I just use the mix of the hydrogen peroxide and water to water it right after? And exactly how much H2o2 should I use to how much water?
Mix the garden tone into the soil. Be gentle and try not to disturb any roots. A ding or two won't hurt her, but dont go pulling up clumps lol.

As for H2O2, I would go with 10 ml per liter. So a gallon of water has 3.8l i believe. so go with 38 ml in the gallon.

38 ml is approx 2.5 tablespoons.

Garden tone should treat you right. I used it for my first grow and it worked great. Just keep an eye on her to see when she requires more. prob about a month.