5 White widow girlies

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member

I just bought a micro scope for checking the trichomes but in a smokey haze after a game of cups i forgot my paypal account was set up to send to my last address so I hopefully track it down. So the few that are going amber now are okay?
There at about 6 weeks of flowering. Also do they pile the weight on in the last 2 weeks cause I thought theyd be bigger by now. Still my first grow so not sure what to expect.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Yeah but does that not vary from seed company to seed company? Mine are dutch passion and they reckon that its 8 weeks of flowering. I understand they have a couple of weeks left so deosn't really matter as I use the extra time for proper flushing

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah guess its all just a guide anyways. close inspection of ur trichromes will tell u wen its ready, good luck, glad i could help ya, puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:Its only bubleliciouse but it gets you there.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Well thanks to Mr harrington today I had a very nice win on the golf and was in the hydro store and decided to buy a few bits. Got a good deal on the monkey juice grow part b and monkey juice bloom part a that i was missing. Also bought some voodoo juice and senizym. Fair play to the bloke in the shop who sorted me out. 4 of the five plants are juice finishing there 6th week of flowering and the last one has a week less flowering, It seems to have the most crystals though and is the tallest. As i said i thought they would have had a bit more bud on them for this stage. Game them there first dose of overdrive and Mared Juwan recommended it highly so hoping for some good things. Starting to get exciting now but hoping they pile on the weight in the last stage, Heres some pics

Some nice crystals

The week younger monster



Well-Known Member
Looking very nice che!!! and they look like they will fill out even more! trichs all over it!!! I was pulling for norman, but paddy is solid! back to back isint it?

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
First european to win back to back in over a hundred years and hes an Irish man. Beautiful. Got huge odds on him before the competition. 28/1. Should have put more on but then Im getting greedy. Yeah loads of trichs alright. We discovered that if we take a picture real close up of the trichs we can put it on a playstation 3 and if we zoom with a HD tv we can see the trichs perfectly. Results. I just hope they beef up


Well-Known Member
Ive actually been doing that with ps3, networked my laptop with and and veiw them on there and its amazing, Ive got a 10 megapixal cam so it shows up pretty good... do you play tgw 08 by anychance?

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
I do indeed. Cracking game but must admit im not very good at it. Mostly just when the lads are around for a few splifs. Would play online but im buzzing off the free internet from the apartment next door and its not strong enough to support the playstation

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I think most proper stoners play a little tgw now and then. Me and my buddies play it all the time. All the EA Sports games - Madden, NBA Live, FIFA, Fight Night. They're all good in my book. Anyways, Che's plants are going to fill out a lot more for sure. Just take a look at those long ass hairs in the third pic. The buds will sort of build up around those hairs. Since more than 90% of those pistils are still white the majority of growth is yet to come. The Overdrive will dramatically increase your phosphorous and potassium levels for big buds. You should also know that since this will also drop your nitrogen levels, it is normal for the leaves to start to yellow at this point. So don't worry if that starts to happen. Awesome plants and sweet pics!!! Keep it up.:peace:

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Had the girls out today for a feed. 4 are on their 7th week while the biggest mother is only on her 6th and still has a bit of growing to do. The bud sites have come together nicely and there is loads of crystals all over the leaves. One of the smaller ones is starting to get a few more amber hairs on the buds. Will be watching closely for when 95 % go amber then try see the trichomes. That right? Oh does anybod kow how to put the pictures onto the ps3 from a camera. Got wrecked earler and it was too hard to figure it out and gave up. My grow partner went mad ith the camera earlier and took heaps of pictures so plenty today. Is there a limit on how many pictures your allowed to post? Im thinking they will beready for harvest maybe the end of next week. Could anyone hazard a guess to how long they could be. I know thats like asking how long is a piece of string. Wouldnt mind if they went into a 9th week. On with the bud porn!!!!

A happy tent full now my second batch are starting to flower

Some frost

More frost

I think you can see where Im going here



Well-Known Member
wow man looking so nice!!!!! I dont think there is a limit on pics, but if you dont want to post a whole lot here post em in your gallery. there you can actually expand em and see em really well.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You should go into the ninth week if not more. The following info I got from fdd who has quite a solid reputation around here. Wait until 50% of the pistils(hairs) are brown. That's when you want to stop giving nutes and only use plain water. Then use your magnifier to check the trichomes every day until you get the mix of color you want. I'm going for 50/50 cloudy white/amber. I'll be chopping mine this weekend. You still have a lot of white pistils there. Definitely more than a week left. Looks like they will be worth the wait, though!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
defo i have been cropping mine with a weeks diffrence and its always better longer. Checking ur trichs is a must. You could perhaps take a tester bud next week to see what its like. The waiting is the hardest bit imo specialy wen ur tin is empty lol.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Have a quick question. Ive been reading a bit and have been thinking about moving up to a 600 hps. Wouldnt be a huge job to wire a new balast and get a new bulb for the cooltube. The articles ive been reading are saying a 600w is perfect for doing a 1m x 1m area which is the sixe of my grow tent. There also saying it is the most efficient for the watts. My question is, is it the most efficent, and would be be noticeable the jump in wattage in relation to the cost in electricity. Dont want the fuzz catching on. Also I run the hps from 8 at night till 8 in the morning. Would this also attract them. Just looking for some advice.

mr west

Well-Known Member
im guessin ur runnin 400w
i wouldnt know bout wireing up a balast, but it wouldnt cost that much extra a week thos 200w, I run 500w 2x250w and my lecy is bout 7 pounds a week jus for them.

mr west

Well-Known Member
id say that running ur lights through the night is asking for unwanted attention. At least in the day u could be cooking food or something to generate the heat.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Took your advice Mr West and Im going to change the 12 hours of light to during the day. Is that how you run yours? I also decided to go with the extra investment and purchased a 600w ballast and Philips Son-T Pia 600W bulb. Will hopefully be here by the end of next week. Bought from Headnature.com. As i said before they're great for anyone based in Europe.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah mine goes on at 8 am or there abouts for 12 hours lol, i got a duvet over the window to stop light from outside lol. that 600w is gonna get mighty hot. Im sweating just thinking bout it lol.