5 x SnowRyder in Stealth Grow Dresser under CFL's..


Active Member
Well, here is my latest grow. I was supposed to start a new grow in a new living space but unfortunately, i lost my job and now i'm stuck to growing this way again. As of right now, i will be using CFL's for this grow. 6500k will be used for Veg and i will then add in some 2700k for flowering. For veg, i will be using 84 watts of lights. For flowering, i will use 126 watts of light.

Short Stuff SnowRyder

42 watt CFL's (6500k & 2700k)

7x7x7 Square Pots

Fox Farm Ocean Forest

FoxFarm Trio

Tap/Distilled (i will be alternating)

I started germinating 5 Regular SnowRyders on 12/28/2011 @ 7PM using paper towel and baggy method. I put the baggy in a small box and wrapped it in a black shirt. I then placed them underneath the CFL's for heat. The stayed at about 81F to 84F.. I checked them on 12/30/2011 @ 6am. All beans had popped. I prepared 5 16oz party cups and planted each bean. I added a humidity dome to each party cup using plastic water bottles I cut in half. They are under the 6500k CFL's as of right now and humidty domes will stay until they come up out of the soil and begin there first set of leaves.

I will leave them in party cups until they have showed sex. I will then "weed" out the males and put the girls into their final pots. Instead of full on transplanting them, i will simply be cutting the bottom of the party cup off and putting them on top of their final pot and just let the roots grow down and through. This transplant method works best for auto flowers as no extra stress is put on the plant ;)

I will post pictures when I see some above soil action..


Active Member
2 of the 5 I planted have broken ground. They are both about 1/4" above the soil still with the seed casing on but about to fall off. The other 3 have not broken ground just yet but I will check them again later tonight..


Active Member
4 out of 5 are all above ground. By tomorrow this time, i'm assuming the current 4 that have broken soil should have fully shed their shell casing and opened up ;) The last one I'm sure will just be a late bloomer. it had the smallest of the tails before i planted them..


sounds great. hopefully the last on pops soon. just make sure to keep your cfls as close as possible. 1-2" from tops. cant wait to see some pics


Active Member
sounds great. hopefully the last on pops soon. just make sure to keep your cfls as close as possible. 1-2" from tops. cant wait to see some pics
all of them have popped up out of the soil, shed seed and opened up! ;) i added more soil to the ones that needed it.. I'm surprised that i am 5 for 5! ;) now lets see how many females we get ;) hopefully 3 out of 5!

as for the cfl's, they are as close as they can be without harming the little ones.. 42 watt cfls tend to run a bit too hot to have them 1" to 2" from tops. I have grown using the cfl's a couple of times before and in my experience, 3" to 4" from the tops is good and keeps em short.. haven't ever had a problem with stretching or anything like that ;) i have 84 watts of 6500k light in a small space with hood and reflective walls so they are getting plenty of light..

i'll post pics when the little one goes to bed tonight..


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humidity domes removed. the air is being lightly misted with plain distilled water twice a day to sorta ween them off all that humidity.. that will be reduced to once a day and then none at all.


Active Member
all 5 are doing great and getting bigger.. i will post some updated pics a little later tonight..


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They are doing great.. Growing and getting bigger everyday. I gave them a watering today with distilled water ph'd to 6.3ish.. No drooping leaves. I notice that one has some burnt tips but its the only one that has them. I think the soil was just a little hot for that particular pheno ;)



Active Member
13 Days from Seed

They are all doing pretty good. The smallest one has a floppy stem. May have to add some more soil to help it out but its been the runt of the group since the begining so it may not even be worth keeping. maybe it'll stay in the party cup for fun if its a female ;)



Active Member
looks good in there man! i lol'd at the hands free communication box. hittin' the bong! look mom no hands. :D
Thanks! HAHA! i was workin at home doing Tech Support for awhile and that was the headset i used! LOL.. funny that you mentioned it cause I thought about it too before posting up the pic and thought "nah.. nobody's gonna look that closely".. LMAO!!!


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16 days from Seed.. They are doing great. Growth is awesome. One thing I have noticed that's a little peculiar is the smell of the largest plant. It has a wonderful skunky aroma and it's VERY STRONG. The other 4 plants do not have this skunky aroma and barely even smell like "plant", let alone cannabis.. I will post some pics of them when they wake up in a few hours..


Active Member
20 Days from Seed

3 confirmed males!! 2 confirmed females! The males have been killed and removed from the box.. Very nice root system on them are were almost getting rootbound in the party cup.. The little runt that was gonna stay in the cup turned out to be 1 of 2 females. I have the pics of the 3 confirmed males but will have to get pics of the confirmed females later. didn't have much time. I'm a little dissapointed I didn't get my targeted 3 females and one of my females is a runt but it's still bud in the end ;)

Females Transplanted



Active Member
23 Days from Seed

Both females are doing great. No signs of stress or slow in growth from transplanting. Very early stages of flowering are visible so at least I know they are autoflowering as they should ;)
