5 x SnowRyder in Stealth Grow Dresser under CFL's..


Active Member
looking great. should of pollinated 1 of your ladies for free beans. But they are looking healthy and strong
thanks! I did think about pollinating but I decided to wait on trying to do that until I have a few more grows under my belt. I really want to move from auto flowering to some photo period strains. I have some awesome genetics that were gifted to me but I am waiting to get the proper lighting before pop those beans. Although CFL has produced decent results, it would be somewhat of a waste to use it on these potentially beautiful and potent strains..

Just a note for my journal: I changed the light setup and I added 2 more fans for indirect airflow/cooling around the plants. I now have 2 x 42 watt 2700k and 1 x 42 watt 6500k for a total of 126 watts. The way I view it and the purpose of this is to have a mixed spectrum as they are "starting" to flower.. I have increased the RED spectrum but still have some BLUE in there. In about a week, I will run all RED as she should be in FULL flower.

Something I noticed is that I may be dealing with 2 different phenotypes. They both have a few bud-sites with white hairs shooting out and they both look similar in leaf design but the smells are COMPLETELY different. The larger of the females has a light fruity fragrance. The smaller one has a very skunky smell. Rubbing the leaves only amplifies the smells and there is no doubt they are completely different smells. This will be interesting come harvest time ;)


Well-Known Member
nice work, i'll be having a peek now and then for sure, those seed took off nice and quick, healthy to, keep it up, keep an eye on the nutes, not many leaves will leave you with no buffer if you have an issue, i would feed only slightly untill i see the tiniest of burn


Active Member
nice work, i'll be having a peek now and then for sure, those seed took off nice and quick, healthy to, keep it up, keep an eye on the nutes, not many leaves will leave you with no buffer if you have an issue, i would feed only slightly untill i see the tiniest of burn
thanks.. they are not getting nutes just yet. the soil is still plenty hot enough for these gurls. but from my last grow, i will make damn sure i dont start nutes too early or give em too much ;)


Active Member
26 Days From Seed
Growth is excellent. Runt is really finally coming along. Overall they are looking very healthy ;)



Lookin nice. Real curious about flowering time on this strain. Also yield. The breeder seems to be putting out there that you can expect between 15-25g under CFL. Also a few other things about blah blah blah. If it pans out for you the way this breeder says it should, this may be my grow after next--- under something a little more intense than CFL, but , yeah...


Active Member
thanks guys!

28 Days From Seed
Here is a quick pic update. Growth is still chugging along. Everything is nice and green.. No problems as of yet. The runt still smells very skunky and the larger one still has a very mild fruity smell.



Active Member
31 Days from Seed

Both are getting taller everyday and budsites are packing on more weight. Picture update tonight!



Active Member
TRICHS! 32 Days From Seed...
I updated my previous post with pictures.

Today at 32 Days from seed, the smaller female has already developed trichomes and her smell has increased quite considerably. Her grow area now tends to have a light skunky odor. At first I thought it was my bongs/pipes or maybe it was remnants from a smoke session? LOL. After cleaning and scrubbing, all was good for a day and then overnight, BAM! stinky skunk in her area again! :) The larger female has developed trichomes as well but not as much as the smaller one and she still doesn't smell like much of anything, just a very light fruity smell. I believe the smaller female is the pheno that is the "most desired" as she just seems so potent and is living up to her "SnowRyder" name.


Active Member
34 Days From Seed

They are both chugging along quite nicely. No sign of needing nutes yet. Just watered them with Tap Water PH'd to 6.3ish. It was left out standing for 24 hours with a pump through it... I am alternating tap and distilled as last grow I believe I had a cal/mag issue because I used nothing but distilled. Could have just been a picky pheno/strain but didn't want to take any chances this time around. Should be getting a 12MP camera in about 2 weeks so better pictures to come ;)

The Lime green spots you see are from a couple weeks ago when she grew too close to the lights.. Well, small auto's, 1/2" from the lights like this in a box with good ventilation/circulation will burn your new growth. this happened last grow too but i didn't know what was going on. (stupid me). LOL



Active Member
37 Days From Seed

They seemed to have stopped stretching at this point. The nodes are getting hairy and filling up on both girls. ;) I think next watering I will be giving them a bit to eat. It seems growth is slowing a tiny bit so I suspect that it's about that time.. I will give them a 1/4 strength nutes next feeding.

I will be ordering a sweet, Pro-Grow 180 LED, PH Pen, and a 4" 115CFM fan w/ Carbon Scrubber next Thursday. Depending on how long the LED takes to get here, i might be able to put these girls under it and see them REALLY take off! The smaller female is still letting off something fierce and skunky so i really need that carbon scrubber. I think at worst, they will get 2 weeks under the LED but I'm hoping for 3!! Results are nothing short of excellent for this LED so I expect my next grow "photoperiod strains" to produce some very nice nugs ;)

Pics coming soon.


Active Member
38 Days From Seed
Trichome production has increased significantly as well as overall growth of buds. The smaller of the females has a cluster-fuck of buds at her base and there isn't any room for the leaves to grow freely so they are all smashed into each other as you'll see in the pic below.

Smaller Female

Larger Female



They look healthy. Though they remind me of something Stoner Ken would be tending out behind the Barbie ranch house. But you still have 25-32 days to go huh? A lot can happen in that amount of time. Myself, I have decided to go with another strain by the same breeder on a soon-to-be grow. And I still cant wait to see what they look like finished. I still might grow out some Snow Ryder one day. The Short Stuff people make it sound like a flurry of trichomes and a fairly potent smoke.

Now personally, I think you are going about things a pretty smart way. I heard Subcool say that ruderalis "is a messed up plant" on his little show the other day. He didnt say why or how though. So I wrote him and asked. Still waiting for his reply. While giving him all due respect, I still keep in mind he's a salesman with a line of products to push. And ruderalis hybrids aint one of them. He can call it "messed up" if he likes, but all I see is advantages. If doesnt write me back I will start assuming he means its messing up his game plan by cutting a few weeks off grow time and the bother that comes with a photoperiod. If I find the right couple of stable hybrid strains I plan on cutting out the cuttings, the veg room, the photoperiod AND the seed man. F' em all.

Proof your light will make bud. First chop, but the largest colas require at least another week.

1st chop 003.jpg1st chop 006.jpg


Active Member
thanks for stopping by. ive harvested super calihaze and got excellent bud so i know its possible ;) as for ruderalis being a messed up plant, i dont know much about it other than its used as a base to cross photoperiod strains with.

as for veg issues, autoflowers dont veg very long to begin with so many factors come into play with autos.. not just lighting.. when it comes to the grow you posted. that led is weak.. no spectrum selection. primarily configured for flowering. the progrow 180 im getting is more light and has focused on providing 2 spectrums of ligt. 1 for veg and 1 for flower.. ive seen quite a few grows with this led and results have always been excellent and not just 1 plant.. 3 plants under hydro..


thanks for stopping by. ive harvested super calihaze and got excellent bud so i know its possible ;) as for ruderalis being a messed up plant, i dont know much about it other than its used as a base to cross photoperiod strains with.

as for veg issues, autoflowers dont veg very long to begin with so many factors come into play with autos.. not just lighting.. when it comes to the grow you posted. that led is weak.. no spectrum selection. primarily configured for flowering. the progrow 180 im getting is more light and has focused on providing 2 spectrums of ligt. 1 for veg and 1 for flower.. ive seen quite a few grows with this led and results have always been excellent and not just 1 plant.. 3 plants under hydro..
Aw hell, Im sorry-- I got my sub'd threads mixed up, Im watching 2 different Snow Ryders right now and I was treating it like I was talking to the other dude, so I'm sure it didnt make much sense to you. Thanks the reply though.
And yeah, I think you're right about the Pro Grow 180, I have thought real hard about buying exactly that.

Grow lookin good bro.