50 ak plants


Active Member
Hypothetical question hehehe let's just say I was dumb enough to plant a fuckload of plants this year let's say 50+ ak47 20+random puprle seeds and a few cuttings of crack berry that are now 2 ish feet tall. Since the ak is the only know strain dose anyone wana guess at yields? This is not a sintific post but mearly somthing to pass the time un till my hypothetical buds come in. And hypothetley germenated the seeds a little over a week ago and I nigh live in the pacific northwest lol
yup after all the hard work of puttin them in and extras slug bate so releasing ferts like XXX either deer or rabbits eat it lol, or just before harvest you go there an either see a yellow ribbon or just 3 " of stems left cause you were robbed lol and all this work to pay trimmers and to find out no one wants it
30- 35 lbs.
depends on how there planted.....

straight up dude. this is the way it goes. i have 69 Auroa Indica and 50 Atomic NL planted in 2 raised beds, spaced at about 1 plant/Sq foot..... im expecting 25-35(agv. 30) Grams/plant because of our slow growing season and the way they are planted..... so 119x30=3570 Grams of marijuana. theres 454 Grams in a Pound so 3570/454=7.8. im expecting to get 7 to 8 LBS of weed, from 119 plants. except they have to be sexed so lets add that in there, lets say there 30% males (hoping for the best...) that means im going to get roughtly 5 LBS or marijauan from my 119 plants.

hope that helped :)

yup after all the hard work of puttin them in and extras slug bate so releasing ferts like XXX either deer or rabbits eat it lol, or just before harvest you go there an either see a yellow ribbon or just 3 " of stems left cause you were robbed lol and all this work to pay trimmers and to find out no one wants it

i throw down 100+ plants every year. the largest grow i have personaly done is 1200 Plants on an outdoor drip system. i know a guy who does 4500 plants on a drip system, yearly. you should come to canada.... the second largest land mass on the planet with a population on 40 million people, you can literally goto the bush and not see people for 2-3 months some times. and it would cost the police a few million $$ to helicopter everything in to bust you. makes life easy :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTIb1vzCsMU (1st)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11hdCCj3tog (2nd)
The first video is when the garden is about 50% done. The second video is when the garden is about 75% done. I am almost done but it still needs a lot more work. I have about 12-15 hours of more work into this since the last video i have to change the fucking plastic because I left it outside on the ground for two fucking weeks. The garden is about a 5-6 hour hike thou the thickest of brush it is only like a 4 mile hike but you litter y have to move brush out of your way almost the whole walk out there. I have been working on this since Jan. it takes a whole lot of time to haul stuff back there piece of fencing or bard at a time lol. oh yea and all this is hypothetical of course, i would have posted videos with the original post was just to lazy but fuck it had sum free time.
no there is construction soon to start on the second green house the first is the one shown ( of course ) it is 6x12 and almost 6 feet tall the second is going where that plastic is it is going to be like 12x10 and again about 6 feet tall. both are going to be slightly underground to help hide a 6 foot tall green house in the forest lol again its all hypothetical.
damnn well good luck!... cant wait to see it fill with some ladies!

Hopefully ill have a new video up in the next two weeks check bk idk if the new green house will be up I might start construction by then but I am think just alot more fixing up around the place ( have a fuck load to do ) but should defenity have the green house full by next video.
Your going to fuck up horrible if you plant 82 plants, randomely, without a schedule, experience, or assistance
Seriously, stick to your two cuttings and maybe a few aks.
Plant like 5 of them and practice this year.
Your going to fuck up horrible if you plant 82 plants, randomely, without a schedule, experience, or assistance
Seriously, stick to your two cuttings and maybe a few aks.
Plant like 5 of them and practice this year.

before you make ignorant comments it would help if you were educated. I have been growing outside for the last 4 years........... and not only have I been growing but I have been growing with in 200 yards of that spot every time......and before something else ignorant comes out of your mouth cuzzz I can sense you forming a thought together every year has been a success... On top of my outdoor acivements I also have two solid successful years with indoor grows. so why don't you do somthing more productive with your life and go play with yourself.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTIb1vzCsMU (1st)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11hdCCj3tog (2nd)
The first video is when the garden is about 50% done. The second video is when the garden is about 75% done. I am almost done but it still needs a lot more work. I have about 12-15 hours of more work into this since the last video i have to change the fucking plastic because I left it outside on the ground for two fucking weeks. The garden is about a 5-6 hour hike thou the thickest of brush it is only like a 4 mile hike but you litter y have to move brush out of your way almost the whole walk out there. I have been working on this since Jan. it takes a whole lot of time to haul stuff back there piece of fencing or bard at a time lol. oh yea and all this is hypothetical of course, i would have posted videos with the original post was just to lazy but fuck it had sum free time.

Yeaah man, im loving that NWPC Rainforest greenhouse setup. i cant wait to see how this turns out. and i never thought avout using that kind of cheap wire fencing to make a greenhouse, im going to have to do that this fall for next years grow :D

are you back filling the entire greenhouse with super amended soil or putting pots down? this is going to be an interesting set-up to say the least. keep me in the mix.
depends on how there planted.....

straight up dude. this is the way it goes. i have 69 Auroa Indica and 50 Atomic NL planted in 2 raised beds, spaced at about 1 plant/Sq foot..... im expecting 25-35(agv. 30) Grams/plant because of our slow growing season and the way they are planted..... so 119x30=3570 Grams of marijuana. theres 454 Grams in a Pound so 3570/454=7.8. im expecting to get 7 to 8 LBS of weed, from 119 plants. except they have to be sexed so lets add that in there, lets say there 30% males (hoping for the best...) that means im going to get roughtly 5 LBS or marijauan from my 119 plants.

hope that helped :)

i throw down 100+ plants every year. the largest grow i have personaly done is 1200 Plants on an outdoor drip system. i know a guy who does 4500 plants on a drip system, yearly. you should come to canada.... the second largest land mass on the planet with a population on 40 million people, you can literally goto the bush and not see people for 2-3 months some times. and it would cost the police a few million $$ to helicopter everything in to bust you. makes life easy :)

not trying to blow smoke up anyones ass here but growing outdoor isnt worth crap anymore what to get 500 / 600 a pound and for all the hard work bin there done that after all costs is it really worth it ????? like up to 6 yrs ago used to pass 100 pounds on a weekly bases but since 911 it went for shit its just plane stupid to try to move pot across a border people only want indoor, also with all the messages in the newspaper mentioning to monitor any parked vehicles on side of road and for farmers lookin for walk ways paths etc onto there land growing out door is a good way to loose your crop and or get busted period trust me i know i am in a area of high pot activity hell a place a farm just went down with over 400 tons of pot that they were makin into HASH with the chinesse flooding the markets you cant compete
i was even offered to make 300,000 clones for 250,000 dollars when you come down to it there warehouses get busted there up and running next day somewhere else so if you think growing 4500 out door is going to make a dent your dead wrong all your looking for is serious jail time cause now cops dont mess around they got cameras and litterally will film you you got out there chop day and your gone for a long time lol
outdoor isnt worth crap anymore what to get 500 / 600 a pound and for all the hard work
i get $2000~/LB average.... sometimes i'll let one go for $1800, but thats friendly.......

and it ALL gets smoked right here in BC. theres alot of people smoking, and the prices are controlled by a certain group of people.......

oh, and you seriously think i care about "making a dent". i care about paying off my student loans and i care about eating.
not trying to blow smoke up anyones ass here but growing outdoor isnt worth crap anymore what to get 500 / 600 a pound and for all the hard work bin there done that after all costs is it really worth it ????? like up to 6 yrs ago used to pass 100 pounds on a weekly bases but since 911 it went for shit its just plane stupid to try to move pot across a border people only want indoor, also with all the messages in the newspaper mentioning to monitor any parked vehicles on side of road and for farmers lookin for walk ways paths etc onto there land growing out door is a good way to loose your crop and or get busted period trust me i know i am in a area of high pot activity hell a place a farm just went down with over 400 tons of pot that they were makin into HASH with the chinesse flooding the markets you cant compete
i was even offered to make 300,000 clones for 250,000 dollars when you come down to it there warehouses get busted there up and running next day somewhere else so if you think growing 4500 out door is going to make a dent your dead wrong all your looking for is serious jail time cause now cops dont mess around they got cameras and litterally will film you you got out there chop day and your gone for a long time lol

I get offer for all my crop every year from 2500-3200 a pound but I keep all my shit lmao if I do mange 35 pounds with my sharing and smoking habits it will be gone by the next harvest and I would not have made a dime no joke I have more than a few friends who like me need to smoke.nut most truly cant afford meds or even grow like I can with the space or the experience. These people would be in a whole lot worse shape if the pot Santa dint visit them ever oct\nov lol I refuse to watch my best friends a many years suffer for my profit it pot unlike money it dose grow on trees lol