South Texas
Well-Known Member
1. Whoever said Life was fair, or forgiven, told you a bald-faced lie. Today, alone, could be the best day of your life. The Wish Fairy never existed, you have 90 Billion working parts in your brain. That is a gift, at least we could have the common decencey to use a part of that gift, as opossed to blaming others, to make our list of what it would take to be happy in this world, not what others think, they do not have the same intrest as you, what YOU need to be happy & content. This is not a settlement, no negotiations, only what you need to make you happy & content. If you believe that having material things, like a new Vette, can buy happiness, then you are a shollow minded person, and freely give away to others, so that they can judge what may make you enjoy life. Only You can decide what will make you content, certainly not spouses, parents, Family, Friends, Bosses, or some Jackass Political figure. If you haven't the guts to stand up and fight for your own happiness, then keep on swilling in the muck. I can't inspire a "defeatist attitude". I personally despise a defeatist attitude. The people can't, ain't, & never will. Misery loves company. A lot of people lacked the disipline to create what is possible. These people sure do not want you to .... make them the social cowards that they are. All the above is only one point. We are all different (that is a good thing), if you don't know what it takes to make you content, or work on that daily, You have sold yourself short.
#2 There is no problems, only solutions.
#3. If it's not constructive,.. don't do it.
#4. Never allow your self to be put in a bad situation.
#5. Never hang with somebody that is crazier than you- you lost control of your future.
#6. Get your head out of the clouds, they don't know where they are going, either.
#7. Good intentions is the road to Hell. Sucks but true.
#8. The only reason to get a raise is if the Boss thinks you may leave
#9. Never make it Personal
#10 Say what you mean & mean what you say ( or shut the fuck up) Richard Bach
#11 For the want of a nail, the Castle fell apart- Stephen King
#12 Even the sun shines on a Dogs ass, every now and then.
All for now.