500 Watt Blackstar LED Grow- 6 OG Kush


Well-Known Member
bummer on the results sleezy I know the experience was still worth it though you put the spectra 500's on the map with this one regardless of the problems if anything your that much more knowledgeable with LED usage now then you thought you were :D


Yea, that Gonzo bag really works. Quite impressed, even though I am only running 3 in flower right now that are only 10 days in.


Well-Known Member
Yea, that Gonzo bag really works. Quite impressed, even though I am only running 3 in flower right now that are only 10 days in.
Ya crazy huh? I am 52 days into flowering and I have 3 bags in my growtent. I don't smell a thing when the tent is closed!


Active Member
Well you will have to adjust with the lower heat, lower consumption of electricity, and the quieter operation. =) No seriously, you will have to adjust with positioning your light so all the plants are in the lights "sweet spot". Make sure you have ample Mylar everywhere.. Also, you might have to adjust the amount you water your plants, because LEDs do not dry out the soil as fast as HID. The added moisture in the grow area can create problems like I came across "Powdery Mildew". Next grow for me I will be using a dehumidifier to battle this. Hit me up if you have any questions. Don't worry about growing your plants start to finish with the LED. Goodluck! I am sure you will do well! Plus you have my two journals to learn from. Take care
Thanks for the Tips! I have a 4' X 2' grow tent and plan to make my own super light grow medium so I can still do a decent amount of watering and motivate some good root growth. Maybe something like 60% Fox Farm Ocean Forrest, 30% Perlite and 10% Peat moss. Just ordered my second light so the fun should start soon. Out of curiosity do you vent air outside of your tent and if so do you have one of the Gonzo bags in the outlet duct or something?


Well-Known Member
The remaining 4 plants are doing well now. Leaves are yellowing and dying, colas are getting thicker and bigger everytime I see them. Should be on schedule to start flushing on Wednesday-Friday, 24 hour darkness, and chop on Saturday the 23rd.



Active Member
How far are your lights above your plants?
What would you recomend they be set at?
Looks good
sorry for your loss live and learn next 1 will be better and so on.


Well-Known Member
How far are your lights above your plants?
What would you recomend they be set at?
Looks good
sorry for your loss live and learn next 1 will be better and so on.
I've been keeping my lights 8-10 inches above the canopy


Well-Known Member
So I checked on the 1 1/2 plants that I salvaged from the pm this morning. As I opened up my growbox where I am drying the buds I was overwhelmed with a fruity aroma. Could this be coming from the one plant? I was surprised. I got excited and tried to find a small dry nug to pick. The plant has been drying since thurs. And the small nugs were smokeable. I popped a bowl in and hit it not thinking much would happen from my pm infected, 51 day flower girl. Boy was I wrong! I am higher than I have been in a long time! I can barely keeps my swollen eyes open or look into the light! I feel almost kinda drunk! If this is the smoke from an early chop, no cure plant I can wait to smoke the remaining survivors! The density, aroma, trichs, smell with the survivors is night and day!


Well-Known Member
So my buds have definitely gotten thicker, and more dense. Leaves are yellowing and dying. Flush begins on Wednesday to Friday, chop on Saturday.


Gary Busey

New Member
And people say LEDs can't flower...

You chopping next Saturday, or did you chop yesterday which was also Saturday?

Nice job, I added some rep points for you.


Well-Known Member
And people say LEDs can't flower...

You chopping next Saturday, or did you chop yesterday which was also Saturday?

Nice job, I added some rep points for you.
Thanks man! Ya had a few issues with PM and had to chop 2 plants early, but these 4 are looking delicious. I will be chopping Saturday July 23rd.

Gary Busey

New Member
I am dreading getting PM or mites, I have been lucky so far, I'm about due for some bad luck though, 18 years growing, and no bugs or PM... Besides gnats. Fly tape gets rid of those.

I heard, not so sure if it's true or not, an ozone generator will kill both PM and bugs. I have one, and it kills odors (quite well actually), I guess if I get bugs or mold, I will have to try it out.

Thanks man! Ya had a few issues with PM and had to chop 2 plants early, but these 4 are looking delicious. I will be chopping Saturday July 23rd.


Well-Known Member
I am dreading getting PM or mites, I have been lucky so far, I'm about due for some bad luck though, 18 years growing, and no bugs or PM... Besides gnats. Fly tape gets rid of those.

I heard, not so sure if it's true or not, an ozone generator will kill both PM and bugs. I have one, and it kills odors (quite well actually), I guess if I get bugs or mold, I will have to try it out.
Ya it sucked, it attacked my two smallest plants the worse. LEDs doesn't dry out the soil as fast as hid, so when I close all the vents for the 12 hour darkness, humidity climbed. Next time imam going to get a dehumidifier.