5000 posts already? What a loser!

I just want to say, I usually bypass anything you post about,
because usually your avatar's suck....and repulse me even caring what you would write...
This new avatar blows...
Other than that?
Want to guess the date you'll hit 10,000?
My guess would be 5/5/15
Wow, that Is very closed minded... What's that expression "don't judge a book by its cover"? How can I earn your vote?
what a douche. forums dont need pointless shit like this watering down the halfway decent content.
lol...get over yourself
Wow! I suck at real life. Go ahead and tell me all about it...Am I some kind of asshole or something? Give it to me straight?

You celebrating your 5000th post with a thread about your 5000 posts, you sure know how to waste time in a very efficient way, i like that

rep +
what a douche. forums dont need pointless shit like this watering down the halfway decent content.
I'm glad you care so deeply about the "halfway decent content"
What do you think it does to the fully decent content, or even the outright good content?
" No, none taken. You know what really chaps my ass though? I spent my life savings turning my van into a dog. The alarm alone cost me two hundred."