500w M.H / H.P.S. BLZ BUD Grow


Well-Known Member
5th Week flowering..

Ak-48.. starting to lose faith in this... Suppose to be an auto-flower..?? My arse!!

And now some pics of the room.. Some of them getting quite frosty now..

And finally, the clone room... haven't been paying too much attention to this and it shows..

Anyone know how to make these pics fit the screen properly..?



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'm guessing I'm halfway there with these... hoping they put on some real weight now in the next 3 weeks, I've just fed them again yesterday...
Looking at the dates, they should be well and truly ready for when I get back from Mexico...


Well-Known Member
I've had to switch the air filter on 24 hours now cause of the smell... nice smell too...

Decided to sow a few more seeds..
1 x wonder women
1 x 8 mile high
1 x Strawberry cough
2 x purple widow

also a few seeds i picked up along the way..
some thai seeds as well as seeds from the horrible accident on my first grow..

I've decided that I dont have the room to keep a mother so I intend to take two clones from each plant the day they go it to flowering, This way i will have two clones to carry on the strain whilst I smoke some early grow of it and decide wether its a keeper or not.


Well-Known Member
Fed and watered only a few days ago.... and look at them now... Pots were bone dry....Thirsty bitches..!!

Given them a good watering with a dose of seaweed extract.. Hopefully they'll perk up by tomorrow..


Well-Known Member
Good news... Plants are 95% back to normal.. Although some of the yellowing fans leaves are not coming back but no biggy really.
Just happy I caught them in time... Thirsty girls...


Active Member
Good news... Plants are 95% back to normal.. Although some of the yellowing fans leaves are not coming back but no biggy really.
Just happy I caught them in time... Thirsty girls...
Just on time , Will you be flushing before you go to Mexico or will you have somebody to water while your away


Well-Known Member
Just on time , Will you be flushing before you go to Mexico or will you have somebody to water while your away
Not sure yet, I'll see closer to the date...

Ideally, I'd like it flushed and switch off the M/H few days later and then have the HPS switch off 2 days before I get home..

I've no-one to water them, however I do have a plan...

It involves a good soaking the morning I leave and only having one bulb at a time on..(I will change the M/H to a HPS also..)
I will try and have it set for its 48 hrs darkness before i get back.

The plants look fine now, the yellowing old fan leaves were cut off.. Plants looking great again and smell even better...
I just had to sample some, so I steam dried a bit... and its rather nice.. really looking forward to it finishing..

No pics as the batts in the camrea are flat..

Going to include a 1 plant scrog in my next grow... Gonna be cool..


Well-Known Member
Ak-48 starting to come on a bit now as well.. Temps getting a little higher than I'd liked, so fans are on full whack now.. I'll pop out tomorrow morning and see what it reached.. Think'll be o.k. though..

6th week flowering tomorrow for the blz bud... Will get a few pics tomorrow whilst I give them a feed..

Checked the outdoor girlieswhilst out walking the dog and they're doing fine.


Well-Known Member
6th Week Flowering.
Not much change really, the smell is real sweet like candy.. some buds putting pressure on the branches holding them up.

First pic shows one of my plants not 100%,

2 of my cfl's have blown.. have to give this room some attention soon..
I've to take another 6 clones from the mother then I'm going to have to get rid of her... Don't really want to throw her in the bin..

The temps this evening with the fans on 100%..

My array of feeds etc.

This is what I'm mixing together for my flowering mix.. Just a bit of each.. ;-)

This was a experimant..


Well-Known Member
Plants nearly died again last night and once again it was down to the lack of water...
between last night and this morning they had 28 litres of water, so that should keep them happy till tomorrow when I'll fed them before everyone arrives for the wedding...
I've to check the tricoms tomorrow and if they are ready, If so I've decided that I'm going to harvest after the wedding when everyone goes home, so when I get back from the honeymoon they should be dry-ish and nearly ready for curing...

I'm thinking next time when I'm potting the plants, I'm going to layer the bottom of the pots with chipings, I think by doing this, it means that any water in the saucer can be sucked up... There is a special word for this but dont know it

I'll post pics before harvest...


Well-Known Member
Well we'll see what the microscope will show, the buds are getting a bit heavy for the plant now which isn't a bad complaint..

My own guess is that they may have to finish off whilst i'm away or even longer... This creates a problem, I've no-one to feed / water the plants whilst I'm away.

My plan is (I've said this before somewhere) To run both lights independtly and soaking the plants before I go.. Hopefully that'll do till i get back..
Smell is something else..


Active Member
Well we'll see what the microscope will show, the buds are getting a bit heavy for the plant now which isn't a bad complaint..

My own guess is that they may have to finish off whilst i'm away or even longer... This creates a problem, I've no-one to feed / water the plants whilst I'm away.

My plan is (I've said this before somewhere) To run both lights independtly and soaking the plants before I go.. Hopefully that'll do till i get back..
Smell is something else..
I have read a soloution to your watering problem a few days ago , If you have a tray that your pots are on you could fill it up with water until the water reaches an inch up the pots , that should be enough water for the plants to wick up while you are away. If not you have a small bit of time to find a tray , i got one in my local grow shop that would fit ten 3 gal pots and it fits snug into my bath - as you know thats were i grow.
I read somewhere on here to make a thick twisted plait rope thing from some old ripped up cotton t-shirts, bury one end into the pot and leave the other in a big pot of water, the plant will draw what it needs. Maybe even a few of those yellow 'abzorba' cloths would do the trick, they have them in Dunnes.

Hope the wedding goes smoothly and have a great honeymoon :hump: :mrgreen:.
