50gram fresh bud


Active Member
ive just harvested my white dwarf and weighed in one of the buds at 50 gram :hump: and i know it will drop in weight dramatically but any know how much roughly it will be when dry?


Well-Known Member
I would say it will loose about half to 2/3 of the weight. So my guess is it will weigh 16-25 grams when dried. got any pictures?
and let me know what it's weight when dried


Well-Known Member
ive just harvested my white dwarf and weighed in one of the buds at 50 gram :hump: and i know it will drop in weight dramatically but any know how much roughly it will be when dry?
Probably somewhere between 14 and 20 grams. It depends on how dense your plants are but that seems to be about what I get.

As far as just drying I would give it a week. It might take another two or three weeks to totally cure though.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ive just harvested my white dwarf and weighed in one of the buds at 50 gram :hump: and i know it will drop in weight dramatically but any know how much roughly it will be when dry?
pending on how dense the bud is. if its really densei would say 30 to 35 grams. the airyer the bud the more its going to shrink upand more weight loose.:hump:


Active Member
also forgot to mention, they were grown under 400 watt cfl and they are relatively dense, 2nd grow so this is the best bud i have grown so dont really know how mush bud decreases