50W Killer Setup GOD knows how many LUMENS!


Well-Known Member
Im a grower not lumens expert!:mrgreen:
Thanks Sabud!
I dont know how to change the thread but this light are only 30W!
That time I was thinking that I will using one 20W CFL! But generate to much heat!
Im using this one for veg and flowering!
Only time will tell that the light enough for flowering!


Active Member

I am just starting to build a 3' x 3' x 6' grow box for a waterfarm one plant hydro. system. I am strongly considering the exact same l.e.d set up you r using. I am thinking of buying these of ebay (ONE #B66 LED Blue LED lights and TWO #R168 Red LED lights ) or r these knock offs of yor led's

ur set up looks great.

what size cfl were u using w/ the led's at the beginning and where can i find one?

I am loking forward to your killer updates




New Member
The lights would be best used if they were touching the plants. I'm not sure that led's are ready for cannabis just yet.

someone in another thread mentioned something about traffic lights. they're quite cheap. A petrol powered cutter, and you can get them for free.lol


Well-Known Member
The lights would be best used if they were touching the plants. I'm not sure that led's are ready for cannabis just yet.

someone in another thread mentioned something about traffic lights. they're quite cheap. A petrol powered cutter, and you can get them for free.lol

Due to little heat being that close is an option but every led grow light maker advises around 12" from plants. I battled with the idea of keeping them close but they seem to be growing faster now that I moved them up. They say stunted and deformed growth can result from them being too close. Who knows:confused: :confused: :confused:


Active Member
looks pretty nice I don't like Leds I think that there a waste of time thats my opinion though hps 600 wt are my fav