
yes hermies suck balls....i had more seeds than weed in my last grow...and i thought i had picked all the balls off.....but i have a feeling my growing luck is fixing to turn around.....

i agree
you are due for some blessings
hey bro im listening to colt ford u posted again i like that shit
my kind of party
Damn it!!! I just did a rookie mistake. Was tying down the plants. Guess what? I steped on a fucken string. SNAP!!! The plant was topped about 3 times so no real main stock. But it was my largest on this plant. Ripped it right down the stock almost clean off. So I quickly cut the string grabbed my clonex put some on the brake tied he up and sence it isn't in the best of areas all I could do was wrap a string around the brake to hold it close to where it should be. This has happened befor and everything worked out so I'm hopping for the best. But no more lst for me tonight. :wall:
Damn it!!! I just did a rookie mistake. Was tying down the plants. Guess what? I steped on a fucken string. SNAP!!! The plant was topped about 3 times so no real main stock. But it was my largest on this plant. Ripped it right down the stock almost clean off. So I quickly cut the string grabbed my clonex put some on the brake tied he up and sence it isn't in the best of areas all I could do was wrap a string around the brake to hold it close to where it should be. This has happened befor and everything worked out so I'm hopping for the best. But no more lst for me tonight. :wall:

that fuckng sucks i posted on a thread where guy broke plant and net day i broke 2
use masking tap
but i prefer blue painters tape
it is awesome for splints for broken plants

someone say this aint a grow thread
say it i dare u
i seen 5 guys helped by this thread in 24 mainly by me using this thread to put out alerts on other threads where there is advice needed
so our thread is useful
It's 2 other branches in the way. Could only get 1 wrap of the string where I needed it. There 4weeks and a few days so I'm thinking it will be ok if not off it gose and make way for the others to take it's place.
This ain't a grow thread!!!!

You dared me. :bigjoint:

but i wanted it to be a dick that said that so i could take out my frustrations on them
cant to that to my buds
well i take that back sometimes i do right HR and dsb
love u guys and not in a gay way mind u

You dared:bigjoint: me. [/QUOTE]

This ain't a grow thread!!!!

but i wanted it to be a dick that said that so i could take out my frustrations on them
cant do that to my buds
well i take that back sometimes i do right HR and dsb
love u guys and not in a gay way mind u
i was trying to finish painting some cabinet doors for island i made and i moved them into shop to dry cuz it was cold out and fucking compressor kicked on and blew sawdust onto wet paint
sorry I know how it is to work hard and get it F'ed up
Damn that sucks. I'm not much of a wood guy but I've had that happen to a few cars. The worst was when I just finished all the body work on one. My 2 year old son decided to help. I went in the house to get a drink and come out to find I'm hammering away on the rear fender like I was. Didn't get to mad but took me 4 hours to get it back to paint ready. Now I keep a closer eye on him.