
Damn that sucks. I'm not much of a wood guy but I've had that happen to a few cars. The worst was when I just finished all the body work on one. My 2 year old son decided to help. I went in the house to get a drink and come out to find I'm hammering away on the rear fender like I was. Didn't get to mad but took me 4 hours to get it back to paint ready. Now I keep a closer eye on him.

now thats got to suck worse then my mess up
bet it was hard not to get mad
That sucks man! Bust out the sander
i said fuck it after that and busted out the beers and blunt
but when i woke up it was time to bust out the sander

all finished now just got to go to the bitches and throw it in her house and get paid and she is givig me a nice dining table and chairs for cabin which after 4 days of working form 10 am to 12 at night is long due
i will relax with my plants

hope they alright i was supposed to go water them yesterday
Hay Budist how's everything looking today? Or have your lights not turned on yet

I have it moved and I took a pic of its new home. I am out running to the hydro store so I can't post the update off my phone. I'm getting the Dutch master and treating every plant
I'm at the hydro store right now.... it says on the reverse bottle to buy the saturator and add some to it... the saturator is $30 do I really need it or is there something else I can use
I'm at the hydro store right now.... it says on the reverse bottle to buy the saturator and add some to it... the saturator is $30 do I really need it or is there something else I can use

You dont need it according to a post on the sight.
I'm at the hydro store right now.... it says on the reverse bottle to buy the saturator and add some to it... the saturator is $30 do I really need it or is there something else I can use

Off their website.


Q: Why do I need to use Gold Range SATURATOR?

A: SATURATOR is Dutch Master's 2nd Generation Foliar Delivery Agent and is the only clinically proven way you can deliver foliar applied elements effectively to your plants. Regular wetting agents just leave your foliar applied elements sitting on top of the leaf which is why foliar feeding with these old, inefficient wetting agents so often results in burning.
Well 2 more hours till my lights turn on. Then I will see if the branch I broke last night is still holding on and might recover or if I cut it off and add rooting gel and reveg in soil. It's kind of late being 4 weeks and a few days but better then just discarding it. And I have to make the call tonight. I leave for the weekend so it would be dead anyways and don't want fungus of a decaying branch infecting the whole plant. I hope it will be fine. Count down begins.
Not sure what happened. It's not heat as the room has been 65-78 no higher. I did make a mix of veggie oil and lemon juice before I could get to the hydro store and get some mighty wash but I used it on all the plants in my room and none of them did this. I fed this plant the same as all of the others and none them did this... Baffled??:-(
dem things r fried