
Ugg thats even worse bro i feel for yah! I will burn one for yah!
Smoke one for me and pray for my buds... I keep telling myself... you could just cut off a little and smoke it... but that would be a waste. and if I do it once cuz I have no weed I will keep doing it...
Remembering why I stoped using soil. Just transplanted 17 into 1gallon pots and got a fucken mess to clean up. And pissed the old lady off. Used her tub to water. Lol glad this is a once a year thing now. Garilla in the mix. Next 4 weekends are busy. Dig holes, hall out soil mix,weekend with kids, take 16 plants 2 hour walk to holes, weekend after is harvest of hydro crop. Weekend after that is jar and cure. Then back up to see the outdoor grow. Then weekend with kids, then it's time to start taking the new harvest to despencerys. And in the mean time work my full time job. Guess I'll rest when I'm dead.

dont forget to add clean the tub to the list
Fab you work stuff out! Where theres a will theres a way

im working on it believe me
cuz im getting cabin fever
out in the woods with no one to talk to
lol yesterday i was so bored i chased cows on my sportbike in pastures
one was so scared running he shit all over pasture thats when i called it quits
too slippery