3D rendering of the THC molecule
THC (tetra-hydro-cannibol) is one of over 400 cannibols present in the cannabis plant and is responsible for the 'high' associated with smoking cannabis.
It is present in all cannabis plants, male and female but in varying quantities. Canabis with a low THC content will have a weak effect. The other cannibols present will be responsible for a heavy, sleepy stoned effect.
To produce plants with a useful percentace of THC, they need to be of the correct strain. Cannabis plants found wild (ditch weed) will have little facility for producing THC. Commercial liscenced hemp plants also have a low THC content.
The male plants are also of low THC content and only the unfertilised female plants contain usable quantities of THC in their thrichomes.
The THC levels increase through the female plants flowering season. The trichomes (found on leaves but mainly on the buds) will be producing maximum THC when the stigmas (hairs) on the calyx start to change from white/yellow to brown.