528 watt CFL grow

Martian Farts

Active Member
Hola RIU amigos!

So I'm finally getting started on my first grow journal! yay. ok so heres the stats:

Plants: 3 bagseed, 1 of which seems mostly sativa: plant #1, 1 seems mostly indica: plant #2, and 1 seems to be neither, or both: plant #3

Soil: Miracle Gro moisture control, NPK: 15-5-10 for during veg. Havent gotten soil for flowering yet, but i will prbly use a mix of mushroom compost and perlite, unless i can find a way to get some fox farms...

Lights: All CFL, 6 23 watt 6500K bulbs, 14 23 watt 2700K bulbs, and one 68 watt 2700k bulb

Grow Space: 4ftx3ftx6ft closet

Ok so im actually starting this journal 2 weeks in. the seeds were germinated in paper towels, 2 seeds sprouted and were put in rapid rooter plugs within 36 hours plant #3 was started a week later.

the plants grew fast and stacked, but last night #2 developed what looks like some kind of nutrient burn. the first pair of true leaves turned an ugly yellow color, dried up and turned super crispy, and the second pair of leaves has spots on its leaves near the edge that are just as crispy and ugly, but the rest of the leaves look perfectly healthy...any advice appreciated!!!

pics are as follows: 1,2: light setup for early veg. 3,4,5: pics of plant #1. 6,7,8,9,10,11: pics of plant #2...with 9,10,11 focusing on the burn spots. 12: a comparison of height between #1 and 2, #1 on the left. and pic 13 is my canteloupe :hump:


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ok so half the pics are missing and idk why so new labeling. pic 1 is plant #1. 2-7 is of plant #2, pic 8 is a height comparison, and pic 9 is my canteloupe lol
sooo ya, on second thought i really really really need some advice on plant #2's prblm...ive looked through several diagnosis posts, and i cant figure it out. im worried cuz #2 is the kush i really wanted to turn into a mother... :"-(
alright, so its day 18 and the plants are getting big! the prblms with the kush plant have not worsened, but neither have they gotten better. anyway not alot to report but i think i will be putting the babies into 12/12 this sunday, after a 24 hr dark period to speed the sexing. the plants may only be 3-4 inches tall, but they are on their 5th and even 7th set of leaves coming out....not to mention the perinodal branches are already out half an inch or more.

well heres the pics for ya! enjoy...

ps. somebody say something!! lol my journal is so lonely...:spew:


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sooo ya, on second thought i really really really need some advice on plant #2's prblm...ive looked through several diagnosis posts, and i cant figure it out. im worried cuz #2 is the kush i really wanted to turn into a mother... :"-(

no big concerns that i can see. young plants are sensitive, they don't have the resilience of an older, stronger, more established plants..

go easy on the fertilizer, and be careful not to get any moisture on the leafs when you water, like don't pour water over them.
granted you're growing CFL but moisture on the leaf can magnify the light and burn the leaves a little.. think little kid on the sidewalk torturing ants with his brand new boy scout standard issue magnifying glass.

Soil: Miracle Gro moisture control, NPK: 15-5-10 for during veg. Havent gotten soil for flowering yet, but i will prbly use a mix of mushroom compost and perlite, unless i can find a way to get some fox farms...

The soil you are in now.
Is the soil you will flower with.

You don't want go around uprooting your precious females, once the roots are established, and the plant is a vulnerable state of pre flowering.
if you plan to change soils, transplant now! into a peat or coco container, and then take that later into a larger bag or other container.
uprooting for transplants is ok... but being able to take the container and place it directly into a larger one that it can root through into is better...
does that make sense?

i grow hydro, so some of that is pulled out of my ass and the rest i gather from what i've read here, and also other general gardening knowledge.

hope my words help and happy growing and good luck and +rep for a good start!!!
Ok its good to hear that it may not be a prblm with the burns, and the plants do indeed seem to still be growing uninhibited. as for the peat containers, i cant believe i didnt even think of that lol. i even have a buddy that grows his plants in cleaned and thinned watermelon halves, and the roots just start growning out the sides when its done.

well i flushed the plants with a few gallons of water, and ill see if the improve ovber the next day. and saturday brings the start of the 24 hour darkness!

i also moved my plants a little farther frome the lights and moved them within range of the 2700k lights.

heres some better quality pics taken on a newer camera


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haha hell yea bro found it! will subscribe once i know how .... your plants are lookin good bro ! i would flower them soon as well.... just looks like u may have fed too much nutes too soon not sure though.... but i will deff keep checkin back good luck keep it up!,.... PS my journal gets lonely sometimes too lol
haha thnx for subscribing!

ya i plan on putting them into 24 hours of darkness starting at noon tomorrow, then i will start them on 12/12 noon on sunday. i will be taking at least 2 cuttings from each plant, and for the first time, it seems i will have enough to take cuttings and still have bushy plants. new pics tomorrow!
i know i need the mylar, but since im about to move, im prbly going to set up a grow cab at my new place, and then either coat that in mylar, or paint it white.

plants are sitting in their 24-hour dark period right now, and will be starting 12/12 tomorrow at noon.

not much has changed, but my little indica has a leaf that split into two points halfway down the leaf.

heres the pics i promised...


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That burn you got could have been the soil im using the same stuff and it took a couple of weeks before the plants got use to it. You dont want to use any nutes for at least a month even then go small doses. That just what i think about your problem you were having in begining. All and all your looking good. Subscribed
thnks bro...makes sense though. ive always used mg for veg, and on previous grows i did get nute burn at the beginning, followed by explosive healthy growth. well i flushed them with all sorts of water, and we shall see how they do. since im flowering soon i prbly wont refertilize except with bloom ferts.

i am using bat guano bloom ferts...anyone know the best way to fertilize with this?? i used to add it to top of soil, but didnt work that great, so im thinking of mixing with water..
aaaaalright....i transplanted the plants today because they had seemed to stop growing, and i want to start bloom ferts tomorrow or asap. it was apparently a good move because there was definate root binding going on. so well see how they react...

heres the current setup, planning on putting 4 23 watt 2700k bulbs over each plant, with a 68 watt 2700k surrounded by the plants. and maybe 2 23 watt bulbs either 6500k or 2700k on the outside of each plant... well heres the pics


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transplanted to a mix of the same mg and mushroom compost. i didnt have anything else available. and they are about 3 weeks old...

but my plants seem to be steadily draining nutrients, or else doing something that is causing the older leaves to continue to yellow. dry up, and die...HELP!!!
STOP FEEDING THEM NUTRIENTS!! odds are good you're overfeeding them.. if you're medicating by giving them extra nutrients, and they are continuing to die... odds are good thats not the problem. just feed them pH'd water for the next few days, survey the recovery/decline, and all else take some cuttings and start over!! haha

good luck man