528 watt CFL grow

Martian Farts

Active Member
well i gave them ph'd water for about 3 days or so, but the prblm worsened...but now they seem to be perkin up so we shall see how things go from here.


Well-Known Member
its also possible that if you're in MG Potting Soil which has slow release fertilizer, and adding nutrients on top of that... the soil is causing the overfeeding. find a more neutral soil mix. hear AWESOME things about Fox Farms Ocean Forest... or you could go COCO!! close to soil?? later dater



Well-Known Member
mg moisture control has coco instead of pete a i agree that adding nutes to the soil is probably whats causing the burns. like i said before the moisture control soil is pretty hot to begin with but after it brakes down it works very well.


Active Member
ive also used time release soil. What happens, everytime u water, ur feeding them nutes. Ive found to let the soil dry out completely, like 2 days, ur plants will perk up. i noticed u have 2 different spectrums of lights. I think i read about those cfls that one of them dont give off the right spectrum the plants want. how do i subscribe?


Active Member
go to thread tools on the top of the page to subscribed....as i did for this thread. i wish i had as much cfls as you i need to step my 2 cfl game up


Well-Known Member
i just went to the hydro store today and bought black gold soil.... i had ocean forest in my hands and she turned me away from it because its also time realease.... it also has nutes in it that can fuck up your feeding ... go with black gold and you will be GOLDEN :) ha peace

Martian Farts

Active Member
Black Gold huh? nevver heard of that one, but sounds about right...Ive always wanted to use Fox Farm soils, but i cant find it ANYWHERE near here. even at the specialty nurseries and hydro stores..

and i ran water through that MG soil enough so that only clear water drained out...which i had read somewhere means that the nutes are gone. and it makes sense since the water comes out an orange/brown for the first few flushes...

and sry about lack of pics...camera is broke, and i may be having to abandon the project altogether, as my bro ran out on his part of the appt bills, sooo im getting kicked out :-(


Well-Known Member
i use ocean forrest and perlite 50/50 .. works great. been wanting to get some coir brick and use it instead of perlite, just for sumpin' to do.