55" height grow room....best options for conserving overall height?


Well-Known Member
many people will tote scrog as the only way to go, however you can do the same thing without having to deal with a screen. Its more training but then you don't have to deal with an annoying screen getting in your way. especially at harvest. maybe its because all of my other grows have been much bigger than my current, but dealing with screens costs enough time in setup and take down that i feel it isn't worth. Plus you're only getting extra bud per plant because of the extra veg time. (i.e other factors aside yield is determined by genetics and biomass) best piece of advice i've seen was posted on this site. yield is determined by genetics. it doesn't matter how fancy you get you wont get the plant to yield more than its genetics dictate. keep your plant healthy, love it and give it enough light and it will reach max potential.
I agree that genetics dictate yield and I'll admit the screen is a hassle....

BUT I have to say that the trouble with the screen IS WAY WORTH IT. The link to the scrog I put up was for AK47, a heavy yielder. I grew 4 plants of the exact same (from the same lot of seeds even) just prior with LST and 6.5 weeks veg I harvested just under 1.5 lbs in the very same grow space. To get over 2 lbs in the same space, using the same nutes and all else but with 1 LESS PLANT is proof enough for me that SCROG is the shit. And the yield would've been higher if I could've got the screen started sooner and had it lower down, getting even more lower bud sites up top to the light.

The difference is that bud sites that would normally be under the canopy up top are brought up to the top and spread out where they get more light. More bud site + more light = more primo colas (with any genetics). And the work I saved tending to one less plant was merely time put to weaving through the screen. Once I flipped to flower and the stretch was over all I did was feed and wait. All SCROD really is is LST taken another step to allow more light penetration.


Well-Known Member
The difference is that bud sites that would normally be under the canopy up top are brought up to the top ...More bud site + more light = more primo colas (with any genetics)...All SCROD really is is LST taken another step to allow more light penetration.
You can use techniques that have less hassle than a screen is all im saying. Mainlining for example does the exact same thing but with less effort. More bud sites doesn't necessarily = more bud overall though, just more of a lesser size. the plant cant take in more resources than its root system has room for. the more top's the smaller each cola is. you can grow massive colas by only getting 2 or 4 tops. all things being equal you should be getting the same of bud either way if you fill your space, (note this. regardless of what method you choose you should always be filling all available space. most people fill it height wise and think they have a giant plant. i think this is their biggest mistake when comparing yields. i've seen 6' tall plants be out produced by wider shorter bushes that looked smaller, but were actually almost 2x the mass of the taller plant. more mass=more roots=more nutes) 100 small tops or 20 large tops doesn't make a difference to what a plant can yield. Its all about the health of your plants, the shape of the plant only changes the size of each bud, it doesn't actually make it grow more. You cant get more than a plant can produce.


Well-Known Member
You can use techniques that have less hassle than a screen is all im saying. Mainlining for example does the exact same thing but with less effort. More bud sites doesn't necessarily = more bud overall though, just more of a lesser size. the plant cant take in more resources than its root system has room for. the more top's the smaller each cola is. you can grow massive colas by only getting 2 or 4 tops. all things being equal you should be getting the same of bud either way if you fill your space, (note this. regardless of what method you choose you should always be filling all available space. most people fill it height wise and think they have a giant plant. i think this is their biggest mistake when comparing yields. i've seen 6' tall plants be out produced by wider shorter bushes that looked smaller, but were actually almost 2x the mass of the taller plant. more mass=more roots=more nutes) 100 small tops or 20 large tops doesn't make a difference to what a plant can yield. Its all about the health of your plants, the shape of the plant only changes the size of each bud, it doesn't actually make it grow more. You cant get more than a plant can produce.

Agreed - root mass and over all health of the plant going into bloom is everything.

Anyway, when I compared the size of ALL the tops on my AK scrog to the only the biggest tops on my previous AK lst they matched up pretty well, (by recorded weights and pics). The scrog tops were fairly uniform in size and while they weren't as big they were almost as big and there were so many more of them. So just for example.... you have say 16 tops from lst that average 10 grams each in dry weight and with scrog you get 28 tops that average 7 or 8 grams each dry the marginal increase turns out to be nearly 30%. That's hardly marginal. I'd say it's worth the effort. The only other way I know how to get that kind of increase is to use CO2. But I haven't tried that yet so...

I've seen the mainlining thing and I'm quite curious about that. I may give it a go one day.