5500-6000 watts safe in a 3 bedroom house?


Well-Known Member
house is around 1500 sqft. would be running 4 1000 watt lights for flower and 2 600 for veg. I don't think it would work while living there but maybe if that's all the power I was using and ac it might. Mainly would be worried about drawing suspicion
I would guess a lot would have to do with where you're located and what you're doing. If your in a legal area and don't have a bunch of out of state company you should be fine. If your in an illegal state but a nicer area and aren't having traffic coming through at all hours and keep your mouth shut and smells in order you should be fine.

If you plan on growing in a trap and slanging bags all day and night, Have questionable associates or online habits or anything else to draw attention to yourself the electrical consumption is usually one of the detectives first things they check. Along with what they can find/plant in your trash is usually enough for probable cause for GPS or search warrant

A decent neighborhood without any of the hot activities listed above and 6000watts can be a nice aquarium or studio or something.. But get careless with your trash or who your associating with and the plausibility of those scenarios starts going out the window.

Hope that helps lol good luck
Go for it man if u get any phone calls from the electricity company about your excessive usage say ur wife cooks alot n ur a gamer...you'll be fine just cover smells n don't be suspicious oh n always pay ur bill.
only way to know if your ok drawing that much juice. look at your breakers and do not over load them or change them out. and yes your safe. average home is wired for 12000 watts max with out adding another breaker box
Go for it man if u get any phone calls from the electricity company about your excessive usage say ur wife cooks alot n ur a gamer...you'll be fine just cover smells n don't be suspicious oh n always pay ur bill.

Lol ya if it was just "calls from the electricity company" that we had to deal withI have a feeling he wouldn't even be asking this question b
only way to know if your ok drawing that much juice. look at your breakers and do not over load them or change them out. and yes your safe. average home is wired for 12000 watts max with out adding another breaker box
All new houses here and most older have 200 amp service. 6000 watts is nothing, especially in heating season. My furnace (that I never turn on lol) is 15000 watts alone but it's packaged with a heat pump.
Yeah, they probably want your money.

That's a lot of lights. Most i ran was 2500watts = $300 power bills

I had the heat at 54* also lol
Man you guys pay fuck all for leccy.over here (ireland ) it's like 18c per kwh that's like 21 of your cents lol shits mad.youd need to get a load out to start a big op just for leccy
If you run 4000 watts you will need at a very min 2 20mp dedicated circuits.I would run 2/220s and split them into 4-15 amp circuits myself. Power consumption is no big deal.
The best way to feed lights and mini splits is to take out one of you main panel 220 breakers and exchange it with a new(say60amp breaker)and run a wire to a sub panel...now run 220v ballast which consume 1/2 the amp draw.Each 1000w lamb needs a 20amp breaker.
After all that rent a uhaul...get your ass out of the state where it is not OK to grow weed....say,prehaps California or Oreegone