550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos


Well-Known Member
Correction.....today is 37 days from germination....so about 23 days left till the 60day claim of finishing. Run 2 is 21 days on Friday.


Well-Known Member
Correction.....today is 37 days from germination....so about 23 days left till the 60day claim of finishing. Run 2 is 21 days on Friday.
3 weeks is a long time for autos I hear*, *that they can grow a lot faster than non autos in their time. Besides that, most people seem to agree that those week numbers they give people for strains are usually 1-2 weeks too little. Grow em till they're done :P


Well-Known Member
3 weeks is a long time for autos I hear*, *that they can grow a lot faster than non autos in their time. Besides that, most people seem to agree that those week numbers they give people for strains are usually 1-2 weeks too little. Grow em till they're done :P
You need to read thoroughly please my friend.....


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! those air pots seem to work a lot better. Your light is lacking a blue spectrum ( not saying its not there... its just not enough blue ) buddy has a Lumi grow LED light you can adjust the blue and red spectrums with a dial... its pretty slick but its expensive. If you have some Stretching problems i would try and associate any type of blue light ( T5 CFL or LED ) just to keep them at bay. He would make his plants stretch by turning the red up and blue down then stop the stretching by turning the blue up again. He has great results with these lights... Personally i would stick to spectrum like Irish. These lights were on my might for a while until i found a 864 watt LED ( sorry i will find the link i reformatted the comp :( )

Cant wait for harvest keep up the good work man

Found the link! :P
Artic sun LED 6w Diodes 864watts


Now i do not know much about these guys... Not saying buy them im saying i am going to try them against Spectra 500 and Quantum 600 LED lights... i might buy a new bulb and throw my 600HID into the mix :P 4 way comp ;)

Cant forget lumi grow link


Well-Known Member
Update: I have them on a full red spectrum at the moment, want to try and push more flower development but they are swelling very nicely. I have taken the pics under veg spectrum only to give a better pic. The other run has been taken out and put under a 600HPS for their duration as the space has become too crowded and to be fair to the LED it would have been asked to flower out 36 autos which is a too much an ask. Anyway some pics....



Well-Known Member
I may as well add the others under the 600 for reference sakes, 3 mothers in flower are included in the pics...




Active Member
Very nice looking grow man! By the looks of things I'm glad I went with the hydro hut's Pro-grow line as well!!


Well-Known Member
Those airpots are definitely better than regular pots but those felt smartpots seem to be even better than air. Ive seen a few side by sides and switched away from air pots to smart pots myself. Tey're hella cheap too, pick up a couple and run them next to your airpots. The root ball at the end will say it all! WAY cleaner at watering time too

Looking really nice in here btw


Well-Known Member
Those airpots are definitely better than regular pots but those felt smartpots seem to be even better than air. Ive seen a few side by sides and switched away from air pots to smart pots myself. Tey're hella cheap too, pick up a couple and run them next to your airpots. The root ball at the end will say it all! WAY cleaner at watering time too

Looking really nice in here btw
Yeah they each have their pros and cons. I prefer the airpots because they will last a lot longer, and I can more easily poke things or tie them into the holes for LST and SCROG and such. I haven't seen how airpots actually compare side to side with the smart pots, do you guys have an links handy? I don't doubt you, I'd just like to see it myself.

How are the plants? Any new pics today? :P


Well-Known Member
No new pics just yet, i like to put up pics when there is a distinct difference. As for smart pots vs. air pots...to be honest ive done so much experimenting this year I just want to settle into a routine for now. I will be using 100x 3L pots with 100 plants next run all in one shot.


Well-Known Member
Yo jdizzle I'll PM you the link. As for LST I use clothespins clipped to the edge of the pot or drip tray, works great with the smartpots.


Well-Known Member
Can you see any differences between the 600 and LED tents? Like anything you could attribute to the different lights rather than different ages?


Well-Known Member
Can you see any differences between the 600 and LED tents? Like anything you could attribute to the different lights rather than different ages?
So far the ones in the 600 are much better off than the LED ones...BUT.....I think that is more due to the LED plants being in hugos which were always a problem for them I feel. When the second run in soil+air pot was under the LED they were already looking much better then the rockwool plants.

I am about to upload new pics which will show the differences. I will rather want to do a soil+air pots under the LED before really making my mind up.

New pics soon...


RIU Bulldog
So far the ones in the 600 are much better off than the LED ones...BUT.....I think that is more due to the LED plants being in hugos which were always a problem for them I feel. When the second run in soil+air pot was under the LED they were already looking much better then the rockwool plants.

I am about to upload new pics which will show the differences. I will rather want to do a soil+air pots under the LED before really making my mind up.

New pics soon...
You should look into the ceramic metal halides. They have the spectrum closest to the sun so far and are cheaper than comparable bulbs. They're made by philips.


Well-Known Member
Update week 7 under the LED, sorry about the red but wanted everyone to see what they and I see...

The plants under the LED are pretty much laden with resin but they are small buds that are woefully underdeveloped right now, they have 2-3 weeks left to swell up to reach the benchmark I am looking for but I doubt they will do that. I do still put down a lot of this to the rockwool cubes they are in, the growth was considerably slower than the soil+air pot plants even when they were under the LED.