57 days in 12/12


Active Member
hey all my baby is 57 days old today how do i harvest should i only cut down the ones with cloudy trichromes or do i wait untill they are amber she is a indica plant about 38 inches tall and most the top leaves are dying off or already dead bottom of plant still green as green comes the trichromes are mostly cloudy and still some clear ones all are tall with nice round heads on them also its in ffof soil have been flushing for two weeks with 1 tbls mollasses per gallon of water


Active Member
what will the amber look like because some of mine look like a transparent amber color dont know if its the reflection of the light bulb in my microsope or the color of the tric


Well-Known Member
Were here but you don't have a pic and all that stuff is in a sticky somewhere 50/50 for good stone 20/80 heady stone look with a diffrent light, I start counting when flower clusters are visable not when placed under 12/12


Active Member
im not askin about the colors im askin how to cut the plant do i take just the top and let the bottom grow or do chop the whole thing the only question i have about the color of the trics is will the amber color be solid or will it look transparent? no need to start of your reply soundin like a acehole notmine i just wanna little advice if you dont know then dont answer and go through my avatar and you will see i have a ton of pics


Well-Known Member
Some people take the top and let the rest go for a week or two.
I like to take the whole plant at one time. if its done its done.
If whole plant is wanted at one time just cut it. Its up to you
if you needing to know what to do after the cut take a look at fdds guide in the HARVEST section

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
here if you havnt seen this chart before.

heres a pic i found. it was labeled ready but ready is when you want to chop.