
hello again all, I have recently planted my bagseeds in styrofoam cups and placed them in plastic ziplock bags under 60w cfl the heat the bulb gives off is pretty war enough to make a humid environment in the bag, but my question is is this a bad idea?


Active Member
I never put my seedlings in bags or domes. I plant em put em in the dark an when thay brake the soil put em under the light never had a problem only my cuttings go in the propergater or dome...


Active Member
After planting seeds I cover my pots with clingfilm and make few holes in it and it seems to be working fine with small cfl for warmth as well, I don't see why your solution would be a bad idea.


Active Member
I also have to add that one batch that I planted without the cling film and without the light sprouted just fine as well. Guess moisture in soil and warmth is all that's really needed.
thanks guys, you see i live in ohio and this time of the year unless you have the heater on its really cold, under my 60w though its pretty warm, maybe im over thinkin this


Active Member
You're welcome, just don't let them be too cold when the lights are off once they sprouted and they should be fine. Good luck!
i have some actual purchased seeds on the way im hoping it will be easier to germ them and get them going i defiantely dont wanna kill them with kindness how long is common to wait to see a sprout???


Well-Known Member
Seeds don't need light but heat. After sproughting they need some light but not alot. As others have said your doing good. You do need some air moving so soil won't get mold but that is it this erly on.


Active Member
i have some actual purchased seeds on the way im hoping it will be easier to germ them and get them going i defiantely dont wanna kill them with kindness how long is common to wait to see a sprout???
Mine have always sprouted within 4-6 days. Once planted don't mess with them in any way, let mother nature do her thing :)


I use the same method, due to low humidity in my area... I do remove the bags from time to time to let it breathe.

But once the sprouts get to this point, I remove the bags for good...

Seeds usually sprout 2 - 3 days, however some of my older seeds have taken as long as 5 days to sprout..


Well-Known Member
Wow. So much BS to get seeds to pop. I predict much teeth gnashing by many. Put the frigging thing in damp soil, place in a warm spot and keep your nose out of its business a few days. How many that garden regular plants do all this hocus pocus bullshit with your pumpkins and zucchini and corn?


Well-Known Member
No the dome is a good idea and the way to do it IMO. Just people are making it sound like rocket science. It realy is easy as putting seed in moist soil cover and place on a heat mat or under some light to keep them warm. All done.