I don't even pay attention to flower time or really yeild .I believe stating the short flower times is a key selling point. They are never ready when they say they are...always longer
Nice plant ~ EnjoyI wondered why these fast bud monkeys were fast, there not that fast , but looking ok
Nice plant, Luv the catView attachment 3364415 View attachment 3364416 View attachment 3364417 View attachment 3364418
Leaves gone very yellow and dropping off, started to flush yesterday for a week to 10 days .. took a pic with flash and without as it makes really diff looks?
3rd pic is a 5 week old LSD ......... very fucked because of the cat bug !!!!! 4th is the dirty dirty culprit !!! He savaged the other one to death , little bastard
Human nip is way better than cat nipCat looks high as a mf er