594 watt CFL 1st grow plants out of control!!!


Active Member
Some good news and some bad. Good news they are starting to show. Bad news the 5 that showed were all male:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:. It did free up the area so I can't be to mad. They were the 5 tallest which is kinda good cause I would prefer to have short and bushy :mrgreen: I took one last group shot and then yanked the males. The roots were holding the soil in a perfect cup shape, not sure if there rootbound cause all of the plants look very healthy. Next go round I will be going for SOG kinda doin that now but it will be better and 12/12 from rooted clone. I hope to see some hairs soon:joint::joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
Seems like males are the first to show. Kind of a strategy, get tall, get hung and powder them bitches fro on high.

They look hungry from here my man.:weed:

Watch all that slick advertising and those old wives tales and what not. If someone tells you that you need anything but good soil and a complete balanced fertilizer, it's VOODO and Magic Sauce.


Active Member
Alright quick question for you knowleged growers out there:joint:. I have changed my mind on keeping them in these cups. I am going to switch over to 5 gallon buckets as soon as the best 5 or so females show. This should increase yield correct:weed::weed::weed:. After taking the males out of the cups as you can see from the last pics posted the roots are really bunched together:shock:. Looking to maximize yield but Ive heard re-potting during flower can cause a couple problems Is this right? I would think they would respond better with more room whats the deal? Also waiting for my first bitch is a bitch:cuss::cuss::cuss:


Active Member
Alot has happened from my last post. Ended up with 20 girls:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: had a couple herm on me that were pulled. Took between 2 to 4 clones per plant, expect atleast half will survive :hump:. Not anticipating any more than that as this is my 1st time takin clones. I transplanted acouple into 2 gallon pots and left the rest in the cups. I'm interested to see the yield difference between the 2 sizes. I have a 400 watt hps on the way:weed::weed::weed: planned on just using cfl all the way but In search of bigger buds my temptation landed me with the hps. I'm assuming this will beef up yield a large amount. I lollipopped all the :leaf: in the cups just want one big bud :mrgreen:. The plants in the 2 gallon have been left alone except for some lower branch cloning.



Junior Creatologist
well, you could say yes, but no at the sametime. Yes, it will improve the flowering process because your giving them room to stretch finally, lol. But at the same time, no its not gonna increase your yield a buttload, because your pretty well along in the flowering process, and have surpassed "the stretch", which is the first two weeks of flower. Now theyre gonna concentrate on bud growth, and since the buds develop in conjunction directly to plant size, your only gonna get buds thatll grow so big, no matter what container you use. You would be better off using 3 gallon buckets or bags at this point, to save on space, and because while the root system will still grow, its not gonna grow to the point to where a 3 gallon or 5 gallon bucket will make a difference. Your ladies look awesome though, and i cant wait to see how they all turn out when they start to nug up. Definitely ambitious for your 1st grow bro, lol -- its addictive, aint it :twisted: LOL.

While i was in mid grow for my 1st grow i was already plannin on my 2nd grow too man. I spent like 1000 bucks on my setup, n then spend another 400 bucks on seeds, lol. It couldnt be helped man, i caught the fever like a motherfucker.

Anyways, for your 1st grow dude, this is impressive, reguardless of the end yield. If you pull anything over a quarter ounce per plant, this grow is gonna be awesome :D

+rep for keepin your girls in those cups for so long man :D



Active Member
Thanks man the addiction grows with the sight of my own buds growing everyday. I know what your talking about lol My girl and I smoke alot so need a steady supply of :weed::weed::weed:. Not expecting to much this grow maybe 2 to 3 ounces not sure what to expect I would be happy as hell with a quater per. There around 2 weeks flowering now so yea might be to late for some extra bud but I'm sure they will be happier under the hps. Next time around things will be better as I have learned a lot. Definelty going with some 3 gallon bags and 5 5 gallon bags next grow. Couldn't find em locally but have seen some on ebay. I was tight on space for a long time but have it down to what I want and what would work in the area 8 sq ft. I'm going to lollipop 75% in the 3 gallon and let the other 25% go naturally in the 5 gallon next grow. Im around under $300 dollars for this grow with the new hps so It's not a huge investment. Going to look into seeds next time these are all bag seed collected for a while.


Active Member
It's been a while between posts and things have progressed. Took some shots of the Great White and Sour Diesel along with a sativa which towers over the other two. The Great White is my favorite tons of white hairs all over looks like it is going to have one massive cola from the top to bottom. The Diesel is coming along slowly and the sativa just stopped stretching ( it's around 5 ft) The close ups are of the GW, definetly going to run this strain as my main as I have 3 clones rooted and veggin along with 2 SD clones. I'm not sure what the sativa will yield I hope it's alot cause she is one tall bitch I also have a couple clones of her in case she is a high yielder if not she is a one timer. :confused:Just a quick question I have done research on makin a bonsai mum but don't want to screw up the GW Anyone with experience that can help would be greatly appreciated. They rooted around 2 weeks and have been In veg a week want to make sure I do this correct Thanks.



Well-Known Member
They look great!!!:weed:
Keep up the good work.

You can look at my journal and see how I do mothers if you like.


Active Member
It's been a while since I have posted. Here are some shots of the Great White. I'm definetly happy with it being my first grow. I lollypopped last few weeks and had some early smoke. Also tried a little SOG I'm thinking of runnin that instead of trees. Straight bud on a stick it's only 3 weeks into flower....

