5ft dp BIG problem


Well-Known Member
the one question can i feed the leaves with FE with soaked roots? like it says at th top of the plant it looks like mag and then on the lower half its got green viens like you said.

solved by who ever said overwatering and root bound. to much caused a lock out.

Iron (Fe) Micro Nutrient and an Immobile element

Iron is an important component of the plants enzyme and is also important for the transportation of electrons while photosynthesis is happening...

Iron reacts with many of the components of nutrient solutions, which will cause a nutrient lockup to occur, If you add to much Iron without adding enough Phosphorus, you can contribute to a phosphorus deficiency , so watch out how much iron and phosphorus your nutrients have. The Leaves on the plant can turn a pale yellow along the growing shoots, while the veins remain dark green. When you have pH imbalance, it can make iron insoluble. The tissue between the veins becomes pale or white, kind of mimics the magnesium deficiency, but not yellow, iron has the white where the yellow would be on the magnesium deficiency. The deficiency starts with the lower and middle leaves, while the new leaves become completely lacking in chlorophyll, but with little or no necrotic spots. The chlorotic mottling on new leaves starts first near the bases of the leaflets, so the middle of the leaf appears to have a yellow mark. Iron is difficult for plants to absorb and moves really slowly in the plant.
Harder for outdoor plants to absorb when in hot weather. Parts affected by the Iron Deficiency are: Young leaves and Petioles.

To much Iron can cause a problem that looks like a PH imbalance, Brown spotting on the top leaves, mainly fan leaves. Can affect the whole plant. Iron Toxicity is rare for Ph below 5.5.

Problems with Iron being locked out by PH troubles
Over watering, pests nematodes, not enough drainage, like not enough perlite. High ph, Soils with low iron, High Phosphorus, Excess Zinc, manganese or copper.


Iron gets locked out of soil growing at ph levels of 2.0-3.5
Iron is absorbed best in soil at a ph level of 4.0-6.5 (Wouldn’t recommend having a soil ph of over 7.0 in soil) anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to an Iron Deficiency.

Hydro and Soil less Mediums

Iron gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-3.5
Iron is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.0- 6.0 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to an iron deficiency.

Solution to fixing a Iron deficiency
Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have potassium in them will fix a Iron deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!) Foliar feed with chemical fertilizer containing Fe or rusty water can work well. Other supplements that have Iron in them are: Iron chelates, Ferric oxide, Ferrous oxide, Ferrous sulfate, all of these are fast absorption. Greensand, Cottonseed Meal is slow absorption, Garden Manure, which is medium absorption. Manure is most common organic iron source to use.

Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics,( which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) You need to Flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients.

Picture 2-3 is a more severe case of iron def



Well-Known Member
Had the almost exact symptoms at week 4-5 of bloom. Here's what worked for me. Flushed with ph tap water adjusted to 6.5. !/4 of a full fertilization. (grow, bloom, additives, double cal/mag. Also 3 tea. of Epsom salts per gallon of water. 3 days later watered with epsom salts again & double cal/mag. After that went back to bloom ferts & everything got better, then good. I think I hurt my total yield. You could also spray with epsom salts right after lights come on for more immediate results , to see if that is fixing your problem. Doing any of this cannot hurt your plants !


Well-Known Member
doing something similair im spraying the plant down with half fer without salts but might try that later. letting the root ball dry out and them i'll see if i cant beef it up. im in week 3-4 maybe going into five of flower. once it gets back to normal i hope to get fully back on track.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah I would say this size plant should be in nothing smaller then a 5 gallon bucket really needs bigger then that. With MG soil you should water with ph 7 watre and make sure run off is no higher then 6.5 max. The plant looks to have several issues not only deficiency but complete lock ou. make sure the ph is right, make sure your in a big enough pot as this need big root room. Once those are good you can flsuh with a flushing agent to break the nutrient salt lock out and then feed it correctly with a good nutrient just dont use like MG or shultz or stuff from local hardware store.


Well-Known Member
sometimes I think a 5 gallon is even too small for my 2 month vegged plants and that is 3 months at the start of flower so it probably still hasn't even streched and if thats true I hope you have 12 ft cielings cause that momma is gonna jump........ good to see you fletch thanks for being there during my hydrocurios phase, went back to soil it's like autopiolt...
Yeah I would say this size plant should be in nothing smaller then a 5 gallon bucket really needs bigger then that. With MG soil you should water with ph 7 watre and make sure run off is no higher then 6.5 max. The plant looks to have several issues not only deficiency but complete lock ou. make sure the ph is right, make sure your in a big enough pot as this need big root room. Once those are good you can flsuh with a flushing agent to break the nutrient salt lock out and then feed it correctly with a good nutrient just dont use like MG or shultz or stuff from local hardware store.


Well-Known Member
well there are green leaves still responding. so im thinking about cutting and re-vegging to get her back to a good stage. though i might wait, i flushed it today and i wanna give it a chance to respond.


Well-Known Member
so another 1-2 months veg then, don't take clones from sick plants good luck while you are in it for th long haul, I could take a plant from seed to harvest, Is it the only seed you have or something...
well there are green leaves still responding. so im thinking about cutting and re-vegging to get her back to a good stage. though i might wait, i flushed it today and i wanna give it a chance to respond.


Well-Known Member
so another 1-2 months veg then, don't take clones from sick plants good luck while you are in it for th long haul, I could take a plant from seed to harvest, Is it the only seed you have or something...
ive done this many times. its one of like 10. i want to keep it going because well its so huge!!!! not enough aeration in the soil and not enough perlite. just working off the curses of a bible thumper. pray for me these guys are nuts. the others are doing fine.i have a nother DP thats 3 feet in a 10 inch container and thinking about moving that up a size.