here is a little advise from past exsperences,keep in mind that water flows down hill,so its best to keep your buckets elevated so changing nutes will be easy,I use milk crates to elevate may have a problem with keeping your nutes at the right temp,trying to put frozen bottles of water in the buckets is a pain in the ass,as is checking ppm and ph. I now have a 4 bucket set up with an 18 gallon tote for my res with a 400 gph pump that runs for a 1/2 hour every 2 hours,if you leave the pump run all the time it will warm up your nutes over time.I think haveing a res makes life much easyer than not haveing one,I have mine set up with a few valves so I can use the pump to pump out my nutes when I change them, its alot faster and easyer than just haveing buckets with a level indicator/drain tube on each bucket,these are things I learned the hard way and once you get started you will be looking for ways to make your set up better. good luck on wich ever way you choose to go