Alright, I've waited just about long enough to start germinating.... I'll reveal the tech in about a week, for now all I will say is that its a 16oz party cup container with modified traditional hydroponic qualities... As to not put all of my eggs in one basket, I'll drop 2 beans in soil and the other 3 can hang out in my hydro system. Though I am keeping it secret, I have no doubt that at least one home viewer/other contestant will try my party cup method out, but I want to wait to show it off, as so that anyone waiting for a great idea to bite doesn't see me as an easy target. Seeing as hydroponics may not be my forte, I may already be at a disadvantage, and I'm SURE
@The Dawg is foaming at the mouth for a great idea, after all its coming done to crunch time and I don't think we've seen him for a little while now... Maybe he's tinkering around with something... SO without further ado, I bid the whole 50-someodd lot of you good luck! I hear Good Luck might help when your up against GREAT Skill!
OMG (Talkeetna Old Man X Grouch) Both TOM and Grouch are family strains and have not been crossed with any other genetics in at least 15 years... This is my own F1 cross and will be the worlds first time to say "Oh My God!"
Germination Date:
8/24/2014 (going in the paper towel right now!)
600 watt hps 12/12 cycle, no fancy stuff here
All seeds go from paper towel, to jiffy pops, to their final resting homes inside 473ml party cups
Two beans in a mixture of Zoo Med coco fiber and Organic MG
Three beans in a super secret hydro creation using Zoo Med clay pebbles
General Hydroponics Flora Nova Grow (2-3 weeks) and Flora Nova Bloom to finish.... Will also supplement with GH CalMg if needed
Grow Area:
Seeds germ in a fold over closure bag
up to 1.5" seedlings stay in a taco bell taco salad container
then to party cups nestled safely in my closet.... hopefully within 8-10 days
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